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A week has passed. Today is the day to tell the kids about Emma. Again! They aren't going to be happy. She is coming for dinner so I'm trying to get it in before she does. I have Ryder in my arms trying to get him to sleep. He sleeps more now but still not enoguh. Strange kid. Roni then walked into the room.

"Perfect timing" I sighed in relief knowing if I shout then he will never sleep.

"What" Roni asking making it obvious she doesn't want to do anything.

"Go grab your sisters and Liam. We need to talk about something" I replied as I kept switching between her and the half asleep baby.

"Is it that your back with Emma" Roni asked making it obvious she already knew.

"Dam you're good. How did you know that" I asked now in a bit of shock she figured it out.

"Because you have that same look on your face as you did when you told us the first time" Roni replied with a sigh as she rolled her eyes. She walked towards the door but stopped and looked round at me. Catching my attention. "I also know because you smile more" Roni said almost mumbling it before quickly leave.

I guess she's right. I do smile more when I'm with her. I looked down in my arms to see Ryder asleep. I sighed in relif and carried on rocking us together. If I put him down he'll cry. I placed a soft kiss on his head because I just love him so much. The kids then walked in. I say walked in. Billie ran and jumped on everything. Liam was dangling off Roni's next and Amber dragged her tired body along.

"What's this all about" Amber asked as she slouched down onto the sofa.

"Just all sit down and listen. Be quiet though because your brother is asleep" I said as I stayed stood up to bounce by sleeping baby.

"Are we in trouble" Liam asked as he sat down and looked worried at me.

"No but that face makes me worried you done something" I replied knowing thats his guilty face.

"Nope" Liam and Billie said in unison which worried me more.

"I'll find out later" I warned knowing them two have done something bad in the house. "Anyway. I have something to tell you guys"

"I recognise that look. Mum you didn't" Amber asked as she sat up and looked at me curiously.

"She did" Roni replied from behind the sofa her siblings were sat on.

"She did what" Billie asked looking over her shoulder a little confused. "Did you make a mud pie too"

"No I didn't make... did you say too? You made a mud pie?" I asked looking half shocked half angry.

"No" Billie and Liam said as the same time again.

"You two are in big trouble later" I warned knowing they done it in one of their bedrooms.

"MUM! Focus! Did you do what I think you did" Amber cut in with an annoyed tone as she sat on the edge of her seat.

"What do you think she did" Liam asked looking confused at all his sisters.

"Mum got back with Emma" Roni replied as she glared at me coldly.

"She did? What the hell? No way" Amber asked as she looked at her sister very angry.

"So mum went back to the lady who made her sad" Billie asked still looking at their elder sister for help.

"I mean why am I here" I asked as they were asking each other rather than me.

"What the hell ma? Why would you do that" Amber asked as she stood up and showed she was angry.

"Because there is more to the story than you know. I love her so much. More than I ever loved your father. Almost as much as I love you 5. Emma makes me happy and makes me feel better" I softly replied as I changed my gaze to each of my children to show them I was being honest.

"But mummy she made you cry. You told me never to let someone make you cry" Liam innocently questioned as he looked at me a little worried.

"I know mi hjio. I was crying because I was pregnant" I replied knowing my hormones took over too much in my pregnancy.

"Ma why you doing this" Amber asked as she looked at me a little scared for me.

"Because I love her and always will. We're picking up from where we left off and Emma is going to be a second mother for Ryder" I softly replied knowing they might not like that part.

"I don't get it. She ran just as you knew she would. Why go back" Roni asked as she looked at me like I'm crazy.

"Trust me when I say it took a lot of talking and arguing and kissing and a proposal to get us here" I said unaware of how much I just told them.

"She proposed?!" All four kids asked as they looking at me so shocked.

Ryder then woke up crying. Shit. I rocked him in my arms to at least calm the baby. It was hard with them all asking questions.

"You're joking right"

"Did you say yes"

"Why would you say yes"

"Mum I'm confused"

"Enough" I sighed as I cut them all off. They fell silent. I carried on bouncing Ryder until he finally stopped crying. He's awake now though. I looked back at my children who just looked confused. "I said no. Of course I said no. What do you take me for" I said as I looked at them confused they thought otherwise.

"A crazy womon" Roni replied with a shrug like I knew that answer.

"Oi! It was rhetorical. Cheeky" I sighed as I glared at my eldest just as she done before. The door then knocked. Ryder started crying again. I sighed as I tried calming him down. "Roni can you answer that please" I asked forgetting who would be there.

All the kids got up and rushed out. I rolled my eyes knowing I will get them all back once the door situation is done. I rocked Ryder in my arms and tried calming him down. He slowly began to stop crying but looked like he was on the edge. Thats when I remembered. Emma's at the door. Shit. I rushed out the lounge door but stopped when I saw all my children hugging her while she was knelt down.

"Thank you for coming back" Billie said as she snuggled more into the hug.

"And thank you for making her smile" Amber added with a genuine smile.

I was so shocked by this. I excpected them to be angry. I guess my kids just want me happy. I stood smiling at the beautiful scene in front of me. Ryder then began crying again. This caught all their attentions. I just quickly turned and went to the lounge. Knowing this kid must be hungry if he keeps crying. I smiled brightly to myself as I knew I finally got my family.

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