Chapter One

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Chapter One

Slowly but surely the rosy pink left their cheeks as their hearts knew no love and their Kingdom started to suffer from animals unknown and creatures only dark magic could produce.

“Finally, summer break I love you!” Laci yelled at the top of her lungs as we got into our car. We were juniors at Mountain Spring High School, soon to be at the top, seniors.

“I know right? It couldn’t have come faster!” Honey was sprawled out on the back seat. She was chewing a big wad of gum, for one sole purpose, to spit it out when I started to drive.

“I am just excited for Europe, also known as summer well spent!” I added, they all chirped agreements.

“What if we meet some hot European guys and we all elope!” Laci gushed. I smacked her head.

“You have a boyfriend! We all do!” I began to drive out of the school parking lot. Honey pushed the window down, ready to spit. As soon as I hit the breaks she released the large wad.

“It stuck!” she yelled. “Heck yeah!” she had always wanted to hit the last stop sign before the freeway. She had been trying for two years. I glanced at the stop sign. Right below the P a big pink gum ball stuck, glistening in the sun.

“Good job H!” Laci chuckled. I just shook my head.

We were triplets, we all had reddish brown hair, tall, thin, and not to mention smoking hot. Not that I should brag, but that’s what we hear. Laci is boy crazy and loves shopping. Honey is a tomboy and loves sports. I am a bit of both of them. We are so different but similar in so many ways.

“Hey! I got an idea! Lets go to Grandmas house! Today is their 40th anniversary!” Laci reminded us.

“Oh yeah! Lets stop at the store to buy them a cake and some balloons!”  Honey yelled.

“Don’t forget a present silly.” I told Honey.

We stopped at Sam’s Grocery and brought them a big Devils Chocolate Cake, Grandpas favorite, and balloons of all colors. We hopped into the car and drove to Wally World and brought presents. For Grandma we got her a dozen white roses, her favorite, and a cake pop maker, because she always wanted one but she never had the money. For Grandpa we got him a box of chocolates, for his sweet tooth and a DVD player because he broke his old one. We got the gifts wrapped and drove to their house.

“Do you think they will like the gifts?” I asked them. Laci laughed.

“Of course they will! We know them so well!” she pulled out her phone and started texting. I nodded okay. I drove for thirty minutes before we finally arrived. I stopped the car and Laci got out of the car with the gifts and balloons. I hopped out and saw that Honey was passed out in the back. I chuckled and I opened the door. I picked her up and carried her inside. Nobody was home so we used the spare key under the matt.

I placed Honey on the couch and began to hang the balloons everywhere. Laci fixed the Dining room table and decorated the cake. We heard a knock on the front door. I walked over and looked out of the peep hole. It wasn’t anyone I knew. I opened the door.

“Yes?” I asked him. It was a tall guy about our age, with black hair, big brown eyes, and a friendly smile.

“Is Mr. and Mrs. Daniels home?” he asked.

“Nope, I can give them a message?” I offered.

“I just wanted to congratulate them for the anniversary.” He smiled wider.

“Oh, well you are welcome to come in and wait, we are going to surprise them.”

“Do you want me to invite some other neighbors?” he asked.

“Sure! That would be great.” He nodded and walked away. He said he would be back in thirty minutes, and he was. There were about twenty people here. They all brought gifts and more decorations, the house looked good in no time at all.

“Everyone quiet down!” I yelled everyone hushed down. “Laci is gunna call Grandma to see if they are almost home.” Laci dialed and waited.

“Hey Gram! What you doin’?’’ she paused. “When will you be home? Oh five minutes, that’s cool. Hey, we won’t be able to make it today! Sorry, have a good one though! I have to go actually, bye!” she hung up.

“That was harsh.” I told her she shushed me and pointed outside they were making their way up the drive way. Everyone hid and got ready to yell surprise.

The door knob wiggled, we could hear them opening the door.  And…

“Surprise!” everyone yelled in unison. We walked up to Gram and Pap.

“Oh girls!” they hugged us.

“This is very nice of you!” Gram told us. “Where is Honey?” she asked. Honey was still passed out on the couch. Pap chuckled.

“Same old Honey!” everyone started to greet them and the party was started. I called out 'cake' and Honey jumped off of the couch.

“Cake!” she yelled, everyone began to laugh at her. We all ate cake and opened presents. Gram and Pap loved the gifts we gave them.

After we all cleaned up we were getting ready to leave.

“It’s sad your father couldn’t come today.” Gram said. I looked down, father worked all the time and mother was a magazine editor so she was always busy.

“I know they miss out on birthdays also.” We finished cleaning and got or stuff.

“I’m sorry dears.” We kissed them goodbye and drove home. Thirty minutes later we got home and I parked the car.

“Dad’s home!” Laci yelled, we all ran in.

“Oh girls, it’s nice of you to come home.” father told us in a stern voice.

“Sit down.” Mother ordered us.

“Where were you today? You can’t just disappear!” my father yelled. Laci got teary eyed and Honey looked mad. I gritted my teeth. “Where were you?” he yelled once more.

“We were at Gram and Pap’s anniversary. Now the real question is where were you?” I yelled. Father looked taken aback.

“Watch your tone!” mother told me.

“What do you guys want?” Laci asked.  

 “What do you mean?” mother asked her.

“Whenever you sit us down it is to talk business not to talk about feelings.” Honey told her.

“Well, we are going to Africa, for business. And we are asking you to take care of the house.” That was his way of telling us that they were leaving us once more.

“Yeah, will do.” Laci said.

“Glad you understand, our flight leaves in an hour so we will be leaving now. Here is my Credit Card use it as you please.” Father told us. He handed Laci a Black card. I hid my smile.

“Bye.” we said in unison and got up.

“We will be back in two months, until then.” They walked out and slammed the door behind them. something we have seen many times. I grinned.

Laci chuckled. I looked at her and gave her a confused look. She held up the card and spoke.

“They left us a black card and a huge house alone for the summer!” we all cheered and began to yell. Honey turned on some music and Laci invited the guys.

**thought i would upload one more for you guys(:


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