Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Somehow we managed to dress similarly, but yet completely different. I smiled and we all followed Jane and Rita to the Dinning Room. This was our first ‘family’ dinner. 

“You have to sit down and eat with proper table manners, no matter what! Eat everything on your plates, and most importantly do not ask questions about the food. You will not like the answers.” Rita advised us. 

We walked in, nobody was there yet but we sat down where Jane told us to. On one side of the long table the King would sit with the Queen, and then on the opposite side the Princess would sit. On one of the long sides I was seated with my sisters, on the other my guess was the three Princes.  

We heard a clicking of heels and then we saw her. She was tall and thin, she had long blonde hair, pale skin, and big honey brown eyes. She was wearing a skin tight emerald dress that went down to her mid calf. 

“Hello, you must be our guests.” She purred. “I am Princess Averill.” She sat down slowly. “You are?” she gazed at us.

“I am Crissy,” 

“I’m Laci,”

“And I’m Honey.” 

“Hum, who is the oldest?” she began fixing her silverware.

“That would be me, Princess Averill.” I told her.

“Then it was me.” Laci told her.

“First of all, address me by my title. I am Princess Averill or just simply Princess.”

“Sorry Princess Averill.” Laci looked down ashamed. 

“Yes. So that makes you the baby.” She looked at Honey. 

“Yes Princess.” Honey gave her a sweet smile. 

“Oh Averill don’t torment the girls.” The Queen walked in and took a seat followed by the King. 

“Hello Your Majesties.” All three of us said in unison.

“Hello.” They both replied back. 

As soon as they were settled the servants brought us food. When they served us they stood off to the side waiting for us to finish. Don’t ask!  I had to keep telling myself. We had multiple plates of food. Some of it was great and I could eat all day, while others I had to force down tiny bites.

Throughout the whole meal no one spoke, not one peep. The King and Queen shared glances but that was it. Not even the Princess spoke. 

The King and Queen excused themselves and soon enough so did the Princess. Jane told us to wait for them here so they could walk us down but we got bored and began helping them in the kitchen. 

“Please don’t, you are Royal guests, we could be fired if the catch you!” Rita said taking a plate from my hands. 

“Rita, Jane, you may have today’s chores off, take them to their chambers.” Angela told them. 

Rita and Jane were so happy; they kept thanking us left and right. They took us to our rooms and reminded us that tomorrow we had the Welcome Ball. I was so excited! I got to see all my friends, especially Ayden again. The Royals were so kind to have a Welcome Ball for us.

“Goodnight.” I told my sisters. The comfy bed formed around my body perfectly. My eyelids got heavy and slowly I drifted off to sleep. 

“Good morning madams. I hope you had a good sleep.” The door creaked shut behind Angela. I rolled over on my bed, trying to block out the light. “Girls I brought you breakfast.” 

Your Highness *editing*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن