Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven 

Tears burned my eyes, slowly they fell. I knew it would not work, but the heart break was still there. I saw it coming and the pain was still unbearable. I hugged the sheets around me and started to cry. I let all my emotions go; Ayden breaking up with me, Theo leaving, me seeing him die, everything came up and I couldn’t hold it in.  

I was sitting in a foldable chair on the balcony. The soft breeze was blowing my hair in all different directions. I took slow deep breaths. I was so confused. I didn’t know what had happened really; it all felt like a dream. 

I couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that me dreams revolved around him. I should have noticed the signs! The color of the Royals was an emerald color, just like our wedding rings would have been. The same door types, the same walls, I’m, pretty much living my dreams! Living my dreams! I gasped. 

Honey and Laci were out with Adan and Alex. They had invited me but I couldn’t bear the thought of seeing someone that looks exactly like him. I have been too scared to leave my room because I might run into him. He was probably off with some other girl doing what he did best. 

“Stop.” I whispered. I knew he wasn’t that type of guy. I just needed something to hold against him. He was a typical guy; a girl mentions marriage and he runs. A lump formed in my throat and tears began to sting my eyes. 

I took a deep breath and just let the tears pour. I looked around taking in the scenery the trees covered most of the land. I tried to look through the forest, but it was too thick to get any detail out of it. It had been almost a week that I had locked myself in the room. I had not showered or changed clothes. I felt like I would erase the memories if I did shower. I knew it was gross, but I was at that stage in live where the things we did don’t make any sense. 

I heard three small knocks on the door. I didn’t move. They knocked again and then I heard the door slowly creek open. “Crissy?” I heard Jane call out. I couldn’t move. I heard the door shut and light footsteps as she walked over to me. “Hey,” she looked at me and gave me a small smile. “Today you have the first meeting with your group. Laci asked me to get you ready.”

“I am not going.” I looked toward the trees. “Don’t worry I will be fine here alone.”  She stood there for a bit waiting for me to change my mind, when I didn’t she excused herself and walked away.

Everyone was leaving; the King and Queen had to go to meet with another King, My sisters were leaving with the Princes and Averell. I didn’t know anything about Prince Theodore. His name made my stomach churn. I was going to be here alone with the castle help. 

Laci came to the room announcing they were leaving. I just sat there frozen. Soon enough I was completely alone. I sat back on the chair and closed my eyes. Before I knew it I passed out. 

“I did not mean it my love. I am terribly sorry.” Theodore walked up to me slowly. The look on his face made me feel like a horrible person. 

“Theo,” I held my hands up in front of me. “Stay back!” I yelled. “Stay away from me!” 

“My love,” 

“Don’t talk to me just please leave.” I began to cry.

“It’s not like that! You saw something and you thought something else!” he stopped walking.

“Go back to her! You seemed happy!” 

“Crissy you do not know what you are saying.” 

“I am saying to leave me alone!” I took a step back. 

“Crissy!” he yelled. 

I stumbled back and fell down a cliff. I could feel the wind flow through my hair and I knew I would die soon. It took awhile but eventually I hit the ground with a pound. 

I sat up gasping for air. I looked around and the sun had gone down. I looked back and saw that the room light was on, were they home? I walked in but saw no one. I shut the glass door and locked it. I stumbled to my bed and threw myself down on it. I heard the bathroom door open softly and the lights clicked off. I felt someone on the bed because the bed dented where they were. 

“Laci, Honey?” I whispered. My voice was rough. “Are you there?” 

I felt someone else next to me. I sighed and rolled over. I looked next to me and saw someone standing there. It didn’t look like neither of them. They threw themselves on top of me and I began to yell. Someone hit my head with something hard and my vision blurred. “Stop.” I whispered. 

They tied my hands and feet together with something that felt like chains. “Help!” I tried to yell but I couldn’t. Someone turned on the light; it blinded me for a second.

I saw a big muscular guy sitting next to me. He was dark skinned, he had coal black greasy hair, he had black bloodshot eyes, yellowing teeth and he had scars running all over his body. 

There was another guy standing on the foot of the bed. He was very scrawny; he had carrot orange hair, big brown eyes that were rimmed with big thick glasses, pearly white teeth and was a bit twitchy.

The only girl that was with them was very thin and tall; she had bright red hair, big blue eyes, nice full lips, a very nice smile, and was wearing a washed out blue dress. 

“Hello,” she purred. “You must be Crissy.” She gave me a big grin. 

“Yes, I am.” I told her. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her, she was just so beautiful. 

“I am Rose de Guigne.” She slowly walked up to me. “May I ask you something?” she gave me a sweet smile.

“Yes?” I was confused; what did she want? 

“What have you done to Prince Theodore?” she yelled. I jumped at the change in her voice. She sounded really mad. 


“He is devastated! I hate seeing my Fiancé look so depressed!”

“Fiancé?” I asked her. He was going to get married? She stopped smiling and walked up to me until she was stopped by the bed. She reached down and pulled a small pointed knife from her side. She lifted it and let the light glint off of it. 

“Yes he is going to be my husband!” she yelled and flung her hand into my side. The small knife punctured my side. I gasped at the immense pain. She twisted it and pulled it out. My blood coated the blade. 

I yelled at the top of my lungs. I yelled for help, but no one came. I called for my sisters, but they weren’t here. I called for Theodore, but he never showed.          


Sorry it took so long, hope you enjoyed. (:


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