Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen 

We all kissed. The butterflies in my stomach went wild. I couldn’t believe I was now Crissy Royal. 

“Princess Crissy, welcome to your new castle.” Theodore’s voice hummed in my ear. I shivered and leaned into his body.

I looked around we were in a green field in front of the huge ancient castle.

“Prince, my Prince.” He wrapped his arms around me. I looked down and saw his left hand and saw his wedding ring. I looked at my left hand and my ring. 

“Don’t ever leave me.” He whispered as he pressed his cold lips to my cheek. 

“This is a dream come true.” I giggled. It was my dream come true. “This is a perfect moment. No matter what happens remember this.” I kissed his hand. 

“I couldn’t be happier.” we walked into the castle and walked upstairs into his room. Our room. 

As soon as the door shut his lips were on mine. His hands ripped the dress off of my body, and we were on the bed in no time. 

The moonlight and stars shined through the window, underneath the starts on this perfect night we concealed our marriage. 

I opened my eyes only to be blinded by the light. When I could see again I looked around to see Theodore standing by a small table. I sat up and smiled, I could get used to this. 

“Are you hungry, my love?” I jumped out of the bed and grabbed a shirt that was on the floor. I walked over to him and he kissed me. “I love you.” he kissed me again.

“I think I love you too.” I winked at him and laughed. 

“Eat.” he sat me down and we ate. They brought us pancakes, waffles, stuffed French toast, fruits and coffee. 

After awhile we heard a knock on the door. Theo opened it and then closed it. He looked worried. I walked over to him and kissed him. He relaxed and hugged me.

“What?” I finally asked him.

“My Father just called a mandatory meeting. Get dressed.” 

Fortunately Jane or Rita had moved my clothes in here. I put on a loose yellow dress, black pumps, and I let my hair down naturally. When Theo was dressed we walked down the Kings office and sat down. Laci, Alexander, Honey, and Adan were already there. 

“The knights have been fighting off a lot of underworld creatures. They claim to have been sent for blood. We thought we could keep them away but this morning Jane found a box filled with three dead white doves. 

According to the knights nobody crossed their path. Meaning this person, the one helping her, is one of the staff. We fear for your lives. Which is why we decided to send the girls home to their parents meanwhile we find Rose and kill her.” The King gave us all sympathetic looks. 

“No! what if she follows them?” Theodore yelled.

“According to Dave they are capable of handling themselves. Crissy can see the past, present, and future, Laci has heightened senses, which maker her faster, stronger, and able to notice small details, and Honey can move objects with her mind. If you ask me they can protect themselves.”

“Then why cant they stay?” Adan held Honey closer. 

“Because Adan, in their world Roses senses are weakened, here they are heightened. They are safer home. It will give them time to break the news to their families and decide if they will move here. We will catch her fast.”

“It will give us time to finish school.” Laci added.

“And you can visit us anytime you  want.” I also added. 

After everyone agreed we all were in our rooms packing some of the clothes. My heart ached at the thought of leaving him, but it needed to happen. We sat there in  silence for the longest time. 

“I will see you again.” he told me. I nodded and he held me close. 

“Just hurry and get her.” I began to cry. 

On the way to the airport no one spoke. As soon as the car stopped we all got out, we said our goodbyes to the King and Queen. Theo and his brothers said they would walk us in. Once we saw our friends waiting inside, everything began to set in. 

“I love you, take care of yourself. I will see you in a couple of months.” Theodore kissed me. I was crying.

“Remember our perfect moment, that will happen soon.” I pulled away and was crying heavily by the time they all left. We calmed ourselves and walked over to our waiting friends. 

“Ohmygosh! We didn’t see you guys the last couple of meetings! What happened?” Melanie yelled. 

“Hey! I missed you guys!” Rae and Sam walked over to us and gave us hugs. I saw Carlos, Neil, Chad, and Ayden waiting in a corner. Once Chad saw us he ran to us and hugged us tight. 

The plane ride back was long and horrible. I missed my Prince, I missed  me family. I knew I would see them sooner or later. Deep down I knew something good would happen soon. Something would bring us back together. 

I closed my eyes, I could see us all standing under an old apple tree. We were all dressed in black. We all began singing:

“In thee shade of this old apple tree,

Where the love in your eyes I could see,

When your voice I heard, I knew it was you, 

Please whisper sweet music to me.

With a heart that is pure I’ve be waiting for you in the shade of this old apple tree.”

The  curse was lifted and we were all free.

I opened my eyes and remembered our special night.

I cried all the way home. 

The End. 

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