Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve 

I yelled at the top of my lungs. I yelled for help, but no one came. I called for my sisters, but they weren’t here. I called for Theodore, but he never showed.          

I woke up in a dark room. It had a dirt floor, a toilet and a sink. There was a scratchy blanket on top of me. This looked like a jail cell. I sat up and instantly regretted it. I looked down at my side and saw that the cut was still there. It had seeped through the big white shirt and covered most of it. I began to laugh.

“This is just like my dream, the dream where I was going to get married!” I yelled at the top of my lungs, “To Prince Theodore!” tears began to fall. “I was wearing a snow white wedding dress with tiny crimson roses. She warned me but I didn’t listen!”

“Shut up!” the scrawny guy opened the door and yelled at me. 

“Want to know what else? I looked down and saw that the red from the roses was spreading all over my dress. I touched it and it smelled blood. It looks just like my shirt does now!” I threw myself down and began to cry. “Some one please help me.” I was sobbing terribly. “I just want to go home.” I whispered. He shut the door and walked away. 

I could see my tears fall and darken the dirt they touched.

When I woke up again sun was shining through the tiny window. It was about the size of a baby shoe box. I looked at my cut and the blood was now a dark brown color. 

“Hey!” I yelled. “I know you are out there!” the door opened and the same guy walked in. 

“What you want?” he asked me. He had a thick southern accent. 

“I just want someone to talk to.” I gave him a smile. 

“How c’n some purty face like yous still smile after goin’ thru so much hell?’’ he shut the door and sat down next to the wall. 

“I honestly don’t know.” I sighed. “What does she want from me?” I asked him.

“Misses wanna kill yeah ‘cuz you been a takin’ her man.”

“She is going to kill me.” He nodded. “When was their wedding day?” 

“’Bout a hundr’d years ago.” He looked down. 

“A hundred, wow.” I was confused. He was probably off. 

“Yes’m. They was cursed by Roses mamma and they outta find triplets to marry or them this year or the curse never lifts.” He chuckled. “Imagine the odds! Y’all wouldn’ a worked out you ain’t no triplet. Plus if you were Rose would kill you n yous sistas.” I kept my mouth shut. “I outta go, Rose will punish me if she sees me talkin’ to you.” He got up and walked out. I didn’t know if I should believe him. Part of me did.     

The days passed by and nobody came to me, I was starving and very thirsty. I am going to die here, I thought.

Why doesn’t anyone come for me? Are they even looking for me? The only thing that kept me alive was the fact that I thought Theo would burst through the door and come rescue me. 

I noticed I was getting weaker; I would have a hard time sleeping because I couldn’t get comfortable. My tongue started to get bigger and my eyes burned. I am going to die tonight, I told myself. I knew my body couldn’t last another night here. As the sun went down I closed my eyes, ready to die. I jumped when I heard the door open. 

“Yous still alive in’ere?” he walked in and stood above me. “Yous look very bad. You ain’t purty no more, yous a stack of bones.” He gave me a sad look.

“Hhh…” I tried to talk but I couldn’t speak. 

“Drink sum wat’r.” he sat me down and helped me drink from the water bottle. It burned; my body wasn’t accustomed to the moisture. I drank about 6 water bottles, I would have drank some more, but I felt to full. He had brought about four cases of water bottles and a couple baskets of food. I was going to stay here awhile more. 

“Is anyone looking for me?” I whispered.

“Yes’m! All the Royals and some kids your age are a lookin’. Theys asking around town. They thinkun you ran away. I am awfully sorry. You doesn’ deserve this happin’in to ya.” He frowned and walked away. Before he left I asked him something. 

“What’s your name?”

“Ma names Joseph.” He looked at me and gave me a small smile. “This wills all e’d soona 'nough.” He walked out and shut the door.      

Your Highness *editing*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant