Chapter 3: The Compound

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Chapter 3

Once the ceremony is concluded, the Dauntless rush to the door. I follow, my heart pounding with excitement, adrenaline, and a little bit of pride. I slide down a few of the stairwell railings, which are made of smooth, cool metal. The others I just run down.

"You're pretty Dauntless for a Stiff!" I yell while we're running. "Yeah." An Abnegation boy says as he jogs down the steps, his feet moving quickly. I'm very familiar with the Dauntless slang, and I definitely know that 'Stiff' is just another word for an Abnegation faction member.

Once we reach the doors, I run outside, Hunter and Olivia right on my tail. We reach the train platform, and the Dauntless begin to climb the small, metal rungs on the platform support beams.

I reach the support beam, and grip one of the rungs. I begin to climb, and soon, I've reached the top. I stand on the side, with Hunter and Olivia to my left.

I hear a vague sound, that I've always associated with the train horn, and I begin to sprint. The train approaches, and I launch myself at it. I miss the first time, then try again. I reach it, then grasp onto the handlebar so tightly that the skin on my fingers turns white.

I slam my hand on the 'OPEN' button, and pull myself in. Hunter rolls in after me, barely making it in, and Olivia keeps grabbing for the train, but misses. I reach out to help her in, and pull her in, with the help of Hunter.

"You need to work on my that, if you want to stay." A voice booms, and I turn to see a tall, slim Erudite boy says. "Who are you?" I ask, wanting to know.

"I'm Dorian." He says, reaching out his hand for me to shake. I reach out slowly, carefully, and shake it.

"I'm Maddie, but seriously, who are you to say something like that to a Dauntless born? You're a nose." I say surely. A couple of the other Dauntless borns raise their eyebrows. I normally don't ever talk much. I don't like talking.

He doesn't say anything for a minute. "I'm just as Dauntless as you are." He says as he raises his eyebrows at me. I cross my arms over my chest and raise an eyebrow.

"Oh really?" I ask, "Who's the one wearing black here? I think I've jumped on a train about a thousand more times than you, dude." I scoff. He rolls his eyes, and I turn back to face the rest of my friends.

Ashton raises his eyebrows at me. "Who are you? Is this some new thing you're trying? I've never seen you stand up like that!" He jests. I roll my eyes jokingly and smile. We continue to ride the train, and I look out the door, just to be greeted with a blast of wind.

I look down, and see that we are six stories up. I walk back inside the train, and see a small, frail, Amity girl against the wall, clutching against a thick, silver metal handle.

Hunter walks up to her. "You Alright?" He asks her. "Y-y-yes. I'm just not good with heights. At all," her grip loosens. "I'm Brianna." She says, beaming. "I'm Hunter, this is Maddie, and that's Olivia." He says, pointing in our directions.

She nods shyly, and a small smile creeps on her face. She looks back at Hunter, and he just looks at her, his arm around her back.

I think that they'll be dating before long. "Time to Jump!" Jordan says, looking out of the train, around at the shrinking buildings that surround us.

"Olivia, I'm jumping with you." I tell her quickly as I grab her hand. I don't want to watch her fall off of the building, I don't want her to die. "One... Two... Three!!" I shout over the wind.

I run faster than I ever have before, and launch myself out of the edge of the car, my left hand still holding Olivia's right. She screeches as I run, and I almost laugh.

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