Bonus: Her [oneshot]

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All of the Stars- Ed Sheeran

The door creaks as it opens, when she steps into the room. "Ready for your final fear landscape test, Maddie?" I hear my father say to her when she walks into the room. Maddie looks over at Max, Leila and I.

When Maddie's eyes meet mine, she folds her arms over her chest, then nods. My father doesn't know about us. No one knows about us. I will help decide her ranking, so no one will be able to know about us for a little while. My father guides Maddie to sit down in the testing chair, then adjusts the headrest so that it's close to her head. I watch as she breathes in and out, her eyes on me as the other leaders look through files on their computers.

My father places the electrodes to her head and smiles before Max hands him the syringe. I look at the amber colored serum, then down at my shoes. I've never seen Maddie's fear landscape, and I don't really want to, but I have no choice. I have this hunch that her fears are going to be big, seeing how Maddie is constantly thinking of death and always putting herself down.

The serum is injected into her neck, and I wink at her before her eyes close. We turn around when the simulation appears on our screen and I bite my lip.

She's stuck in quicksand. She sinks farther and farther into the pit of liquid as she reaches out for a stick, which I make note of. She soon grabs onto the stick and pulls herself out when she's barely above the quicksand line.

The scene slowly fades, and I see that Maddie is in a room. It looks a lot bedroom? I feel my heart begin to race and I almost drop my pen that I'm taking notes with.

They'll kill me if they find out, and they'll kick Maddie out. I see Maddie smiling, and I feel like throwing up. A man that looks like me walks towards her, and when I can see his face, I see that it's someone else's face, not mine. I almost let a sigh of relief slip past my lips, but I hold it back. He leans down to kiss her, and she giggles.

I look up at my father and see him staring at me, an eyebrow raised. I then look at Maddie, ignoring my father. She sits perfectly still, her hands clasped tightly in her lap. I turn back and see that they're kissing intensely now, and he's going to remove her shirt. She pushes his hands away, but he pushes her onto the bed. He lays on top of her and she begins to cry as he kisses her again.

He slips his hands under her shirt and she grabs his wrists, trying to stop his hands from moving any further, but it can't stop him. She then begins to kick him in the stomach and the groin, and he eventually rolls over and cringes, groaning in pain. Maddie stands up and runs away as the scene fades.

Soon, after five or so more fears, Maddie appears in the Pit, in a crowd of people. It reminds me of my fear landscape last year. She's wearing white, surrounded by people dressed in black. I feel my eyes widen. Conformity, conformity, conformity. She's afraid of conformity. I bite my lip when Jeanine Matthews yells her name. People turn to face her, then spread and make a path for her to the platform in the Pit.

She steps up into the platform, and I notice that her family is standing behind Jeanine and Maddie, and wait, me? "Tyler," Jeanine commands, and I step forward, then place my hand on Maddie's shoulder before frowning and handing her a gun.

I then turn around and walk off the platform, disappearing. Maddie looks down at the gun and shakes her head. "You know what to do," Jeanine tells her, "If you want to be Dauntless."

Maddie's eyes tear up when Jeanine steps away, gesturing to the gun and then to Maddie's family. "Just do it, Maddie," Her mother says calmly, tears in her eyes. Maddie's crying her eyes out as she raises the gun and places her hand on the trigger. I quickly turn back and look at her and see that she's shaking, her mouth and eyes twitching as her legs spasm. I look back at the simulation screen and see that she's already shot her mother and father, and that she's about to shoot her sister and her little brother.

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