"I guess you guys win" Kakashi resigned to his fate and let Hinata take the bells. She was smiling happily as she did. "Good teamwork. "


"I'm assuming you sent Naruto and Sasuke to lead me here. You trapped me and Hinata was supposed to do the rest? "

Athena nodded proudly. "Someone had to move in immediately and I knew that your hands wouldn't be restrained immediately. You're very skilled but you still need to make signs. Sooo, Hinata was the best person to send in because she could mess with the flow of your chakra, thereby making you unable to successfully pull off your jutsu"

"Very well done"

Naruto and Sasuke soon appeared on the scene. Naruto seemed very proud of himself. Athena pulled her fingers out of the ground, but Kakashi was still tangled in multiple, still growing, apple trees.

"We passed "

"Yes you did"

"Good" Athena smiled and turned to go get lunch. "You stay there until noon"

Kakashi widened his eyes in shock and struggled to get free of his constraints. The trees were still growing, although it was slower than before, it still made him worry. On Top of that Hinata had blocked off some important chakra points so he could perform no jutsu anytime soon.

"Athena don't you dare! "

"I told you I would collect"


"Oh yeah, we passed! "Naruto was doing a little dance as the group made their way through the village. His dance was awkward but very amusing. "We are official Ninja! "

"Even so" Sasuke had his hands in his pocket as he stared ahead. "We are but genin. We will be assigned missions but nothing dangerous. Just chores around the village"

"We get higher ranked mission when we prove to be strong enough, right? "Hinata questioned, avoiding eye contact. She had zipped her jacket all the way to her turtle neck just to hide her face. She may have learned to get over her stutters with the group, but she was still the shy Hinata.

"Yeah, eventually " Athena nodded. She was adjusting her arm warmers. They doubled as weights. She took to wearing them after her training with Guy. It was good practice and kept her grounded enough. They were heavy. No one really noticed, however. "Maybe sooner than one would expect"

Her friends nodded. Nothing else was said. Athena let out a sigh when she heard Kurama yell at her in her head. She hadn't let him out in a few days, he must be pissed. It only made her chuckle. He could hold on. He spent five years trapped in a dead man. He could spend a couple days in the forest Athena had created in her mind for him. So ungrateful, that guy.

"When you made those trees grow" Sasuke drew her attention. "That was wood release wasn't it? "

"Yes, I'm very skilled with the technique "

"You really are a Senju" Sasuke sighed. "You must be related to the first"

"I'm his great granddaughter. My mother is his grandchild" Athena revealed. At the mention of her mother her mind wandered. She missed her. She already spent a year away from her. Tsunade must miss her as much as she did her. She should write to her. She could come to the village could she not? She got over her fear of blood. She had to because Athena developed the same fear and she could not be there for her if she feared the same thing. She had to get over it for her daughter. Another sigh left Athena's lips as she stared at the ground. The good thing is that she got over her fear as well. She had to. She couldn't be a ninja with that fear. But it wasn't completely gone. She never liked to see the blood of those she loved.

The Unknown Goddess: A Naruto Fan-ficWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu