The pig grunted and bumped her forehead against Athena's leg with force.

"You're not helping your case"

The pig bumped her again. Athena sighed and picked her up anyways. She held her in front of her and stared for a long moment.

"You're an annoying little pig, you know that? Maybe I should take you with me when I go get ramen with Naruto" Athena smiled. "You know his favorite is miso ramen with extra pork"

TonTon let out an angered "oink" as she glared at the guilty looking Naruto. The boy laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head a he tried to wave the statement off with his other.

"Don't take it the wrong way TonTon. I loved it long before I met you. It's nothing personal "

The pig wasn't having any of it. She had jumped out of Athena's arms and asualted the eleven year old boy. Naruto yelped as he struggled to get the angry TonTon off his face.

"Well, I didn't mean to get him in trouble" Athena said as she watched the scene. TonTon was repeatedly hitting Naruto with her hooves and didn't seem like she would stop soon. "Shizune, you should stop her"

Shizune sighed as she shook her head no. "You started it"

"I didn't mean to. I didn't think she'd attack the guy"

"Handle it"

The three adults stood and watched as Athena joined the fray and tried to pry the angered animal off Naruto's face.

"They have one more year" Jiraiya mused.

"They'll be traveling together, won't they? " Tsunade asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah. It'll do them good. Athena can help Naruto with his half of the fox seeing as she already took care of hers"

"Minato passed him to her? "

"Yeah. Some time agk. She befriended the fox in a day"

She did? The nine tails. The yin half of the very same creature that hated humanity? She managed to come to an understanding in a day. Tsunade should've known Athena would not stop impressing her.

"What's this you say about her having some Dojutsu? "

Jiraiya hummed. "She has a dojutsu, or is it two? She has blue eyes with straight tomoe and purple eyes with flames forming a flower. She dubbed them Unmei No Sharin and Unmei No Hana. It seems she has some grasp of time and chakra when the eyes are activated"

Tsunade watched her daughter. She was restraining TonTon in her one arm while she checked on Naruto. Athena was strong. That was something she already knew, but then she goes off with her father and she finds out that she was dubbed "The Unknown Goddess". There's a prophecy involving her. She would decide life and death. She Would control the beasts. She had yin yang release along with natural chakra. Next to that she had some time altering dojutsu and full control of the nine tails power.

Athena was on another level.


"How do I look? " Naruto asked as he adjusted the jacket he just pulled on. Athena stood in front of him, pulling on the ninja sandals she had bought. She looked up at the boy. He had on black long baggy pants that were cut off by his orange leg warmers and black black sandals. He adorned a black shirt with the Uzumaki clan symbol proudly on his chest. Orange arm warmers and a sleeveless orange jacket repping his clan on his back. He also equipped himself with a forehead protector similar to that of Jiraiya. His had the kanji for "believe" engraved on it.

The Unknown Goddess: A Naruto Fan-ficWhere stories live. Discover now