chapter 27

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We walked in hand in hand. I like how people in our way looks at our locked fingers.

"Babe...." We turned around only to see Tzuyu standing with arms cross and foot tapping. Lisa quickly pulled her hands away from me.

"What is this? Holding hands now?" Tzuyu said.

"No.... No.... Babe this is not what it looks like. You know we always hold hands right? Like with Jisoonie." Lisa said.

(A/N: Tara nat mamangka sa dalawang ilog. /trans [I don't know what is the actual english of the phrase cause it is a figurative speech but if you can actually get the idea then good for you.]: Let's sail on two rivers.)

"I thought you have some affair or what. Anyways, let's go." She took Lisa from me and went on the other direction. Lisa looks back at me and I can see she was trying to say sorry through her eyes.

I took a deep breath and let her go.

I went to my class looking really devastated.

"Jendeuki I missed you I am so sorry I didn't go to your house yesterday." Jisoo said.

"It's okay." I told her. I guess she notice the sullen in my face when she asked me if everything is okay.

"Im fine it's just Im sleepy." I lied, I went to my seat and put Leo's things on my chair.

"Sleepy? You are frowning mandu. Tell me what's wrong." Jisoo said. I shook my head and removed Leo from the carrier.

"Can you hold him?" I asked her trying to divert her attention to her nephew.

"Sure." She took him and I went through his bag to get some milk since he didn't had one this morning.

"Its fine just tell me later, okay?" She said then she started cooing Leo.

I shouldn't feel like this. Yeah something did happen to us last night but that doesn't conclude that my feelings are part of her concern. That I am her girlfriend.

I shook my head to erase the unwanted thoughts and removed the straps of the carrier around my body and put it beside Leo's things. I should not think about her my studies and my son is my priority in life. I took him again from Jisoo.

"Do you mind if I won't join you later for lunch?" I asked Jisoo. I have no plans to see Lisa later.

"Suuure...." She looks at me skeptically. I know later when class is over she will bombard me with a lot of questions.

I lay Leo on my arms and started bottle feeding him. Jisoo was still looking at me and it is really uncomfortable.

"You can sit down our teacher will come in anytime soon." I told her. I motioned her to go to her seat and she did. She was still looking at me though even when her chair is on the other side of the classroom.

Our lesson started and I haven't really paid attention enough cause my head is somewhere else.


"Jennie...." I was finally brought back to reality when I heard Jisoo's voice calling my name.

"The class ended. Let's go." She said, I looked up to her then to my watch. She is right the class ended 10 minutes ago.

"Are you sure you are okay?" She asked me, concerned as always.

"I'll tell you later." I answered. I stood up and get my few things. Jisoo helped me and we went out to get onto our next class.

As we were walking down the hallway I saw Lisa leaning against the locker talking to some teacher. She noticed me and greeted me. But I passed by her and proceeded to next class.

Jisoo sent my things in and went to her class. Irene turned to me as I took my sit.

"You looked stress." She said.

"I just didn't get enough someone is gassy last night." I said. It wasn't a lie though Leo kept me up last night.

"Right...." She said. I turned to the door and saw Kai coming. As usual wearing his facade.

But as he approach me his stoic face turned into big smile.

"Hey." He greeted as he sat beside me.

"Hey." I said back.

He didn't say anything else anymore cause I think he can feel I am not in the mood to talk with anyone.

The class ended once again like a thin air that went on my right ear then passes to my left ones. I left without even talking to Irene nor Kai. I went straight to the clinic.

"Ms. Park?" I called for the school head nurse.

I can't see her but I can hear her giggling behind the curtains. I opened it and she was being playful with my teacher.

"Ms. Park and Prof. Jiyong." I said. They pushed each other and looked at me.

"Ms. Kim what are you doing here?" Prof. Jiyong said.

"I am always here during lunch." I said.

I looked at them skeptically and I think they are more than being playful a while ago. His polo was a bit crumpled and his hair is slightly disheveled.

"Do you have relationship?" I asked. I am intrigued right now.

"Whatever we are going to tell should not be tell to anyone." Ms. Park said.

"Okay." I said.

"We've been together since we started working here but no one knows. Since it is schools policy. We are not allowed to date co-staffs." Professor said. I nodded.

"Ms. Kim if ever this spread in school I will have your ass whoopin." Ms. Park said.

"I am not a big mouth I swear to god." I said, I draw a cross on my heart and swear to them.

"Good. Now where were we?" She asked professor.

"No we will not continue my student is here."

"Just continue whatever gross thing you are doing I need to nurse my son." I closed the curtains and sat on the bed. I placed Leo down for a moment. I still have few minutes before his actual schedule so I can scroll through my phone for a bit.

While scrolling I just remembered what I saw a while ago. They've been together since they started here. How long is that? I don't know but they look good together I wish they really end up together.

Someone is envious.

I am not.


Really, so get lost!

Okay, bye!

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