chapter 8

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May, 21, 20XX

Jennie's POV

There is nothing more satisfying than knowing that there was a life forming inside your body. Feeling it's little movements and soft kicks. I am way more ecstatic  knowing that my baby is growing everyday. Being pregnant for five months I can say that things are getting better between me, my family, Lisa and her family. They had set aside all of the misunderstanding and be there for me and my upcoming baby.

Though the feeling is really heart warming , in the physical sense it was really exhausting and soring. Having a big round belly is really tiring especially when I move around and I couldn't get enough sleep cause I've been having back pain and there was no comfortable position with this heavy tummy.

I moved around the bed and I accidentally kicked someone.

"Lisa could you move there please?" I asked Lisa who was hogging all of the space in my bed. She turned and faced her back at me.

Finally I have more room to myself.

I closed my eyes and tried to make myself fell into a very well needed sleep.

As I was on the edge of getting my sleep my taste buds shouted milk ice cream. I opened my eyes and looked around the room. I turned to my side and Lisa was too deep in her sleep.

I don't want to bother her but I am in need of stuffing myself those delicious cold treats. I shake Lisa and she groaned.

"Lisa I need Ice cream now." I shook her again and she woke up.

"Okay, I'll get ice cream." She said sleepily. She got up of the bed and wore her sweat shirt.

I watched as she go into the dark to get me some milk ice cream that the human inside me wants.

"Just wait okay dada will get you ice cream." I whispered as I run a delicate fingers across the diameter of my round belly.

A minute later Lisa came back with nothing in her hands. She was scratching the back of her had and she looks like a lost kid.

"There's no ice cream." She said. I don't know why but I suddenly felt really sad at what she said. I was starting to sob because she cannot give me what I am craving for.

"But I want milk ice cream." I did a little 'aegyo' no human existing can't resist. I know she was falling for it when she gave me a nod.

"Let me do this first." She walk towards the bed and placed a kiss on top of my belly. She was smiling and it swelled my heart.

"Im gonna go now. Wait for me." She said. She took her sweatpants and wore it before she left to buy me ice cream.

I stare out of nowhere and ponder on things that will happen to me once the baby is out. Will Lisa still do this things with me after I gave birth?

I can say that Lisa had a subtle changes when she move in with us. She acts more maturely than the Lisa that I know. She is very sweet and gentle when it comes to my bump. Ever since it grew a size she had been guarding it and constantly feeling our baby inside. There was no day her hands aren't inside my shirt caressing my baby bump.

"You know I can tell that dada really loves you." I talked to my tummy and the baby inside kicked softly at the mention of 'Dada'. It was always giddy every time I am mentioning about Lisa and when Lisa talks to it.

The image of her talking and placing her ears over my belly played inside my head and  it swoon me over to the moon. The scene is so bewildering and lovely to handle. It will be forever engraved in my head and heart.

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