chapter 16

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September, 30, 20XX

Jennie's POV

Count down to sleepless nights starts now. I watched as Leo stirr inside his crib and I know any minute he'll wake up and cry.


He opened his eyes and moved his little legs.




Now his arms are on move




His head is turning sideways.




I quickly picked him up before he started crying. I walked around my room while gently bouncing him.

"Shhhhhh...." I rubbed his back and continued walking. I am getting worried that mom and dad might wake up.

He wasn't stopping. I checked his nappy but it was empty. I even made sure he wasn't gaseous.

"What is wrong? Please don't cry...." I am about to cry cause I don't really know what is up with him. Being a first time mom is really a struggle everything is not in just a flick of the hand. It is a mix of trial and errors.


I stopped walking and sat on top of my bed. I placed him on my chest and he was starting to suck on me through my tank top.

How can I be so stupid?

I lifted my shirt and brought him to my nipple. He quickly took it and he shut his mouth.

"Im sorry mommy is not great with babies." I heave a sigh. He was looking at me and I can tell he was listening.

"You know I am so happy your dada gave you to me. You are the most precious gift I have ever received in my entire life." I said to him, his eyes blink a lot of times and he made a cooing sound like he was talking to me.

"I will cherish you until my last breath. You will be my forever little Leo even if you grow bigger than your dada." I told him, he unlatched from me and cooed even more.

"I love you."

I adjusted him and tapped his legs. His eyes started getting heavy, he was fighting to fall asleep and just look at me but I think he is too exhausted since he is up all day. He closed his doe eyes and his lips parted. Small snores come out and his breathing evens out.

"Goodnight my love." I placed a kiss on top of his head before standing up and put him inside the crib. I put his binky inside his mouth and let him sleep in peace.

I went back to my bed and wiped the leaking milk from my breast. I then pulled the duvet and let tiredness bring me to sleep

Morning came, I woke up and changed Leo's nappy since he had pee. I took a quick bath and fed him after. Lisa came by to say her hi but she quickly left cause she is running late for her class. Mom and dad left for work. Now I am here all alone finishing some paper works left.

Leo is on his self-rocking bassinet and enjoying his sleep. I would check on him every time I have a chance to.

I didn't had my breakfast yet cause I am still not hungry. I will eat it later.

I continued writing the essay my class adviser asked me to do. It was a really long ass essay but I think I can do it.

I am already at the body of my essay when my son started crying out loud. I jolted up from my seat and quickly went to him. I glanced at the clock and it is his feeding time.

"Patience...." I told him. I picked him up and went back to my study desk. I latch him and go back on doing my essay.

I finished my essay in no time. I will review that later for now I need to eat my breakfast and change Leo's clothes since he is still wearing what he wore last night.

I put him back in his bassinet and go to the kitchen to eat my breakfast mom prepared, since I am breastfeeding mom always prepare something that will help with my lactation.

I watched Leo in the baby monitor as I chomped down my hearty meal. He is awake and watching the crib mobile over his head. I am glad that Seul gave that to me cause it really distracts him when I am doing something.

When I am done I've clean everything and went back to my room and study those things I need to study to cope up with the lessons I have missed. Since next month I'll be attending face to face class again. I just hope I can be away from my son for that long.

I heave a long sigh and took a quick glance to Leo. He has been very silent since I came back from downstairs. He is still awake and still watching how the toys above him rotate and I guess he likes the sound too since he is closing his eyes and smiling.

I never know babies can smile just after one week of being born.

I put down the notes Rosé lend to me and made way to him. I sat on the floor and closed my legs together. I held his little feet and rubbed it with the pads of my thumb.

"You were just a figment of my imagination. Now you are here." I talked to him, he made another cooing sound just like from the last nights event. I really like how it sounds but I can't wait for him to start talking and call me mama.

I got up and removed his belt, he was giggling softly as I picked him up.

I showered him with kisses and inhale his scent.

"You smell good. Mommy will give you another kiss." I kissed him on his cheeks. He made a burping like sound and belch on me.

"Eww why did you do that?"  I whined. I put him down my bed and took off my puke covered shirt. It is not really that disgusting since it is only milk, my milk by the way.

I tossed my soiled shirt in the hamper and got on top of the bed.

I didn't bother getting another shirt since later on Im gonna feed him again and I am all alone and I am inside my room so no one is going to see me.

I didn't notice I had fallen asleep while singing to Leo but I know I was awoken since I heard someone.

Leo was not on top of me anymore. I whipped my head to my side and saw someone sitting beside me. Her back was facing me. I don't know if this is Lisa or Rosé since they have the same shade of blonde hair. I poked her and she turned her head.

"Lisa, what are you doing here?" I asked her.

"I was knocking on your door but no one is answering. Good thing I have a spare key." She showed me the key with her free hand. She was not facing me at all.

"Look at me when I am talking to you." I told her but she shook her head.

"What do you mean no?"

"Do you really want me to see you shirtless?" She said. I widened my eyes and looked at my body and I was only wear my push up bra. I quickly pulled the covers and wrapped myself.

(A/N: Yeet as if you never made Leo naked. 👁👄👁)

"Im sorry." I utter.

"It is okay I had seen it anyways." She shrugged and brought back her attention to Leo.

Way to go Jennie. Continue that and later Lisa will see you topless again.

Bestfriends (Jenlisa, A Little Bit Of Chaesoo)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora