chapter 25

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"Tonight was fun thank you for coming with me." Kai said as he sends me in my front door.

"I should be the one thanking you. Thank you." I told him. We stopped in my porch and we looked each other in the eyes.

"Jennie about what I said. I really do like you and I wanted to court you." He said, he took my hand and placed it on his lips.

"Kai you know I have a baby. He is my priority right now." I told him.

"I know that's why I like you. You always think about him first before anything else and I love your baby as my own Jen and I am willing to be there for him as he grows up. I will make him as my priority too." He sounds too promising right now. But I don't know my heart belongs to Lisa even though she doesn't belong to me.

"I'll think about it Kai." I told him. He heave a sigh and nodded.

He took a step closer to me and placed a kiss on top of my head and Leo's head.

"I will always wait for your answer." He said before leaving.

I leaned on my door and absorbed at what just happened. He wanted me and not just me but also my son.

Go! At least he likes you.

I'll think about it......

I opened the door and it was really quiet.

"Mom? Dad?" I walked inside and saw a note left in the coffee table.

We'll be back later.
There's food in the


I heave a sigh and placed down the letter back in the table. I went up in my room and locked myself. I placed Leo on the bassinet and played his favorite song. As he was enjoying the music I removed my costume.

"Come on...." I groaned as I tried unzipping this tight suit that is clinging too much in my body.

"I swear to god Im gonna kill Irene for this."

I tore the suit since it doesn't want to let go. I tossed it across my room and go to the bathroom to wash up. I remove my make up and comb my hair, then I went out and took a pair of pajamas and wore it.

I took Leo again and removed his costume. I then removed his nappy and changed it to fresh ones, I wiped him up a bit and put moisturizer in his body. I got into his own drawer and took out a onesies with dinosaur prints. I tried putting it on him but he was moving too much making it hard for me to put it all together.

"Stay still mommy needs to dress you." I cooed him, he kept moving until he started crying.

"Just one last button and we are done." I said.

After buttoning everything I picked him up and went to my bed. I unbutton few buttons of my blouse and latch him on me.

I closed my eyes and waited for him to finish.

"Jennie...." I suddenly opened my eyes when I heard someone knocking on my window.

"Jennie unnie...." I quickly pulled up the duvet and covered myself.

"What the hell Lisa!" I whispered yell. She opened the window and let herself in.

"My parents aren't home and the door is locked. I don't have any keys." She said to me while scratching her nape.

"You could have used the front door Lisa." I scolded her.

"I don't want your father seeing me." She said and I understand since dad hated her.

"Well they are not here. It is just me and Leo." I told her.

"Can I stay here for awhile?" She asked me and pointed at the chair across my room.

"Sure." I said to her. She took the seat and dragged it closer to my bed.

"Is it always like this before you sleep?" She asked me.

"Yeah..." I answered her. I removed the blanket since I don't want Leo to get hot or suffocate. I don't care if Lisa is here we've seen each other naked since we were kids so no need to be shy and as if we didn't did something far enough.

We were both just silent as we watch Leo enjoyed drinking.

Later on he let go and I quickly fixed myself. I was about to put him over my shoulders to burp him when Lisa asked if she can do it.

"You think you can do it?" I asked her.

"I just wanted to try." She said. I passed her Leo and instructed her how she should hold him and what she is supposed to do it.

"Am I doing it right?" She looks over as she gently tap his small back.

"Yeah." I answered her she showed a small smile and continued her thing.

"I think he already burped." She said.

"Then place him down the crib and give him his binky." She did what I said. Then she turned to me.

"Thank you for letting me." She sat down on my bed.

"Aren't you getting hot with that suit?" I asked her since there's sweat already forming down her face.

"Yeah it is pretty hot." She said.

"Change clothes you can borrow some of my oversized shirts." I point at my closet. She nodded and went to it.

She took off her cape and the body piece. I can see her back muscles flexing as she remove every part of the costume. It was drool worthy sight. I want to run my hands all over her body just like the night our baby is conceived.

I didn't know she was done cause I was staring so deeply to her.

"Hey I hope you don't mind." She snapped at me.

"Ah yeah." I pat my bed so she could sit down. She walked towards me and occupy the space beside me.

"You can sleep I'll wake you up once your parents arrive." I told her. She wasn't answering but next thing I knew she was kissing me.

Bestfriends (Jenlisa, A Little Bit Of Chaesoo)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora