chapter 13

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September, 23, 20XX

12 AM

Jennie's POV

Time check, Im already 8 hours waiting in here so I can deliver my baby. My contractions are getting close to each other and I dilated a bit as the doctor said. They only needed me to dilate 3 cm more before I can actually give birth.

I tried every possible way to dilate more. They suggested me to walk around and even made me eat fruits but I only want to puke cause the pain is on point that I want to release everything in my mouth.... Even my son.

"Mom this is taking so long. It hurts..." I said as I paced around the room.

"You can do this honey just relax." Mom said in a very calm way. But how am I going to relax knowing that my baby could be in danger.

"Do you want me to call Lisa in?" She asked me, I shook my head no. I don't want her here she worsen things that made me panic even more.

"Okay." Mom said.

I stopped walking when I felt more contractions.

"Mom I think it's happening." I told her. She immediately buzz in my doctor and she check on me.

I wasn't wrong I am going to deliver my baby now.

"Okay honey remember what I thought you. Just breath and push." Mom said.

I repeat it inside my head like a mantra.

I took a deep breath and pushed on doctor's queue.

"Good girl." Mom praised me. She stood by my side and held my hands tightly.

"You can do this honey just few more push." She said, I nodded and pushed again.

It is really painful since it is passing to his head.

"The head is almost out Ms. Kim." The doctor said. I took another deep breath and pushed harder. I screamed when his head completely went out.

"Okay honey listen to me this one you need it to do a bigger push, okay?" Mom said, she wiped the beads of sweat in my forehead and kissed the top of my head.

"Okay Jennie push."

I pushed and screamed really loud. If the head is hard imagine passing down the shoulders it is way more gut-wrenching.

Loud cries enter my ears as my son finally emerged into the world. My head sunk down the pillow and I started crying.

"His here." Mom said and she kissed me on the forehead. I put my head on the crook of her neck and cried.

"My baby is a mommy now." She said. I cried harder and tried to absorb what just happened.

'I am a mother now. Everything has changed. My world doesn't revolve on just me now,  but also my son. He is my world now.'

I don't know how long I was staying like this in my mother's warmth when they called me to open up my hospital gown.

I unbutton the opening of the thin fabric and they placed my baby on top of my bare chest.

'I am actually holding him right now. I can't believe this. I am holding my baby.'

He snuggles to me and made a cooing sound at the back of his throat. He is so soft and warm. I wanna hold him like this forever.

"Oh honey he is so beautiful." My mom exclaimed, I couldn't agree more.

I held his tiny hands and he clutch on my pinky. I giggled at how the size comparison is. I placed a kiss on top of his brown curls and inhaled his scent.

This is all real. He is real...

He was so calm but then he started crying. I don't know what to do.

(A/N:🎶 I don't know what to do without you...🎶)

"Mom he is crying." I started getting anxious.

"Shhhh nothing is wrong honey. You just need to feed him." She said. She recommended me to elevate my body and change his position on my chest.

"You place him under your breast." She instructed me and I did what she said to me.

"Then point your nipple on his nose so he would know if you are trying to feed him." I tried doing it and he opened his mouth. I put it in and he immediately suckled.

"There just let him do it on his own." Mom said. I thanked her a lot and watched my baby as he feed on me.

Later on someone knocked on the door.

"Can I come in?" That was definitely Lisa. Mom asked me if I wanted to and gave her my permission.

"Come in Lisa."  Mom said.

The door went wide open giving birth to Lisa. She looks like a mess right now. Her eyes are red and swollen and her cheeks are puffy.

"Hey..." Her voice is raspier than usual. She obviously cried while she is waiting outside.

"I should give you three time alone. Just call me outside if you need anything." Mom said, I gave her a little okay and she went out leaving me with Lisa.

Nobody was speaking between the two of us. Only sound that reverbrates the room is the tiny sound of sucking.

"How are you feeling?" She finally break in. Without making an eye contact and I answered her.

"Exhausted but it is worth it." I told her, she gave me a little nod and I can see her lips form into thin line.

"Im sorry I wasn't able to handle the situation awhile ago that I didn't get a chance to actual see him come out." She said very guilty.

"No it's fine, mom is here anyways. She helped a lot and made me calm down. If it was you Im sure we'll be wreck." Gave her out a fake snort and her lips turned upwards.

I can tell she is looking at our baby. She wanted to hold him but refrain asking me cause she is afraid of I don't know what reason.

Amusement and confusion is what she is right now. It is visible that this.... This what is happening right now hasn't sunk to her yet. She is still not fully ready of what she had created.

"You know it is okay if you don't want to help me raising him anymore." I told her bluntly. I mean it I don't need someone like her that only knows things that could benefit her.

"Nini what are you talking about? I wanted to raise him with you. We'll raise him, together." She cracked out.

The Nini part is totally acceptable but together? She hasn't been there that much when he was inside me. Is him being outside will make a difference?

I am not asking her to be my girlfriend or whatever I am asking her to be the parent he deserves and clearly she is not. She had never been once excited for his coming. I never heard her say something about him that much. Yes, she talks sweetly to my bump before but there was nothing when she is away from it.

"I am thankful Lisa you had given him to me. I appreciate it a lot. But -

"No Jennie stop saying anything we are going to raise him as what it should be. I am going to be there end of discussion." She said, her tone is unhappy but she is trying to control hee emotions by not yelling at me.

"If you really want to raise him. At least be proud that you have him." I said before turning my back to her and continued nursing my baby.

She was completely dumbfounded. What does she think? I don't know that she hasn't told her so called girlfriend she is the other parent of my son? I know everything. She is ashamed of him in front of her and I am not okay with that.

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