Chapter 58

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Jennie's POV

After break in to my son that he is going to have a sibling I told him to keep it a secret between me, him and the family and that he should never tell Lisa if ever she calls us. Which is actually happening right now.

It has been weeks since she last called and I am so happy seeing her face and hearing her voice even if it's only through my laptop.

"How are you love? Hows working with your dad?" She asked me.

"Its not that hard. Dad has been considerate with me as his employee." Considering that I am pregnant he doesn't give me exhausting work.

"That's good. How about Leo? How is he?" I looked at the back and Leo was busy playing on top of my bed.

"Baby..." I called him, he shot up to me and he quickly got down the bed when he saw Lisa on the screen.

"Dada!" He screamed in excitement.

"Hey big man! How are you? Have you been a good boy?" Lisa asked. Leo pursed his lips since he was a bit guilty on the days that he gave me a lot of headache.

"Did you behave?" Lisa asked in her low tone. Leo hide his face in my stomach, who by the way grew a size.

"Im sowy it's jus Gruhm-pey is a meanie to me and muh-may." He mumbled, he run his little fingers across the diameter of my slightly round stomach.

"what did dada said about grampy?" Lisa asked. Leo looks up to her.

"Guhm-pee is muh-may's duh-day. Leo shoud wes-peck him." He mumbled. Lisa nodded.

"Good, don't forget that or else dada is going to be mad at you." Leo suddenly shook his head and started crying.

"No don't be mad at meh. Im sowy...."

"No don't cry. Stop now.... I won't be mad just promise me you will not be a meanie with grampy."

"Kay" Leo uttered and buried his face on my abdomen again.

"Muh-may I want milk." He said. I look at Lisa and told her I'll go make him some milk and will be back quickly. She gave me a small nod and I stood up carrying my little guy.

I am not worried if Lisa will see my stomach since I am wearing her oversized hoodie. She won't notice it at all.

I went to the table where Leo's formula is. I made him one bottle while holding him,I gave it to him and got back in front of my laptop.

"You haven't told me about yourself. How are you there? Are they treating you right?" I asked her. She grinned and bobbed her head.

"They are all nice here except for those higher in rank. They are a too serious in life and doesn't really smile." She said.

"I see."

"But I made friends here." Her camera moved and I know she is starting to walk. She moved her head and I can see a man from the background.

"D! Say hi!" She said to him. The man looks up and waves at the camera. I waved using my free hand and gave him a genuine smile.

"Hi you must be Jennie. Lisa talks alot about you and I can say she didn't lie when she said you are very pretty." He said, Lisa looks at him and she was ready to tackle him down. I just giggled at her reaction and told her that my beauty is only for her.

"And that is Kyungsoo. We call him D.O. cause he doesn't like his name." I nodded and we fell silent. I stare at her eyes and it started to get watery. It shone with longing and emptiness.

"I miss you so much Nini. I miss you and our Leo. I want to hug you so bad. Kiss you, smell you, feel you. I want to be there so bad nini." Her voice was cracking up cause she was crying excessively. I badly wanted to wipe those tears and comfort her.

"I missed you too baby. But like what you said let's wait. Let's wait, okay?" I told her, she nod her head. I placed my hands on the screen and pretended to touch her beautiful face.

"I love you, baby. I will wait for you cause I have a surprise for you once you come back." She closed her eyes and wiped her tears.

"I love you too." She placed her lips on the camera and virtually kissed me, I closed my eyes and tried to feel the kiss.

"Im gonna go now. We still have few obstacles to run." She said how much she love one last time before hanging up. I closed my laptop and looked down Leo who is sleeping soundly in my arms. I placed a kiss on his plump soft milky cheeks and removed the empty bottle in his mouth.

"Muh-may dada....." He mumbled.

"I know. I miss her too." I whispered and kissed him again. He clutch on search for the bottle again.

I took his binky instead and put it inside his mouth. I stood up and went to my bed, I placed him on top and gave him his sheep plushy. I sat next to him and lifted the hoodie I am wearing.

"Sorry I have to hide you from dada. I just want to surprise her. Wait okay? I will introduce you to her when she is here." I rubbed my tummy and I felt butterflies erupted inside as I think about the new life growing inside me.

I did not notice that I doze off. All I know was that I was awoken when I knew my son left my side again without telling me. I shot up my bed and fixed it in a swift move. I got down and Jisoo was playing with Leo.

"Hey what are you doing here?" I asked her. She didn't look up to me but she answered me.

"I was bored and I missed you both." And finally she shot me her gaze and smirked.

"How are you feeling Big mama 2.0?" She asked me, I don't but I suddenly felt insecure about myself. I pouted and I felt my eyes sting with unshed tears.

"You calling me fat!" I accused her and cried my heart out, before I thought I have the emotional range of a carrot but when I had a kid it all turned out and when I have this new addition inside me oh god I am a bucket of tears.

"Sorry I didn't mea- ahhh!!!" Jisoo wasn't able to finished her proper sentence when she welp out loud.

"You made mah muh-may cwy!" Leo shouted at her.

"I pomised dada no ones gonna make mah muh-may cwy." And then he bit Jisoo on the face. The sadness in me turned into a fits of laughter as I watched Leo bit her like a little puppy.

Baby you are making mommy I bit of a psychotic.

You have always been.....

Here we go again.

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