I Owe You An Apology

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Hey guys, I literally have no words right now.

For all those who have stayed till the end of this book, I apologize for my grammar and failure to edit, as well as horrible characters designs.

Good news is (at least I hope it is, mostly isn't) that I will be rewriting and editing this book.

It's been a few years and 17 year old Joanna is a disgrace to the English language.

I couldn't make it through proof reading the very first chapter (I honestly don't know how any of you have managed to overlook so many blunders and plot wholes, I would have stopped reading after the third para. I deeply apologize for hurting your brains by having to deal with this)

The edits will be regular.

For those who have already finished reading the book, if you plan on reading it again...

I promise I will do so So much better.

Here's a cookie 🍪.

Hopefully, it will make you hate me less.

Thanks for your time. Stay safe and healthy. Don't go out, humans aren't worth it. (I'm kidding, but not really🌮)


[EDITED: 02.05.2020]

P.S- Editing Joanna is fully done with reading and correcting the horrible grammar in this book

Caught in Love  (NamJin) [ Edited ]Where stories live. Discover now