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It was everything Jin wanted it to be.


He closed his eyes ignoring Namjoon's wide shocked ones. He had been dreaming of the boy's lips since the night they first kissed. Namjoon's lips were soft but slightly cracked. Jin pulled the boy down to the ground and slid one hand behind Namjoon's neck to deepen the kiss.

Namjoon was out of this world (apparently, they're taking turns to galaxy surf). He hadn't kissed back until he realised that he most probably would never get this chance to kiss his love ever again. They sucked at each other's lips, tongue and teeth clashing due to the urgency they both felt. Namjoon moved his hands to pull Jin into his lap as he slid back, leaning his back against the wall behind him. His hands then landed on Jin's hips as they broke the kiss. Both panting and blushing.

"I-I'm s-sorry. I-I shouldn't have d-done that." Jin said nearly in tears.

"Don't be." Namjoon finally decided to man up

"B-But your girlfriend?" Now it was Namjoon's time to be confused.

"What girlfriend?"

Jin then explained whatever he had seen that day near the court.

Namjoon couldn't take it anymore. Jin was beyond adorable, he was so cute. Namjoon raised his hands to cup Jin's face before placing a loving peek on Jin's lips.

"It's just so cute how you make things up about me and my sister" Namjoon states smiling widely.


"Yeah. My older sister, Mae Soo. She is visiting home; her university is on a break now. She had come to surprise my dad and me. She turned up at school that day, I hadn't seen her for like two years"

Oh, how Jin just wanted to burry himself. He couldn't believe that he didn't notice how similar they looked. He mentally slapped himself.

Namjoon wanted to coo at how cute Jin was when he was fidgeting with his fingers and looking down and blushing like crazy. He gently lifted Jin's chin.

"Now that the misunderstandings are out the way, could I have another kiss, please?" Jin nodded shyly, allowing Namjoon to capture his lips in pure bliss. He liked sweet Namjoon, he was falling for the boy as he let himself melt into the kiss. His arms found their way behind Namjoon's neck as they shared a sweet passionate kiss.

Namjoon pulled Jin's waist closer, if that was even possible. Wrapping his arms completely around his precious boy's waist, making Jin elevate himself on his knees.

The moment was perfect. They honestly never wanted to let go. Namjoon licked and chewed on Jin's bottom lip making the other boy gasp. Namjoon snuck his tongue into Jin's sweet mouth, licking and sucking on everything his tongue touched.

Jin moaned. His heart was pumping blood at quite a deadly speed, he felt like he was about to explode.


That's all he could think of, he wanted more.

Namjoon noticed how Jin was practically jelly on his lap cause of the kiss. He just wanted to keep his lips on his forever. But since humans need oxygen, breathing was a must. He broke the kiss, leaving a string of saliva hanging between their lips.

Jin's eyes were nearly closed with the pleasure his lips were feeling seconds ago. He was so addicted to kissing Namjoon, that it made him whine a little.

Namjoon chuckled.

He definitely loved this boy.

He wanted to kiss Jin again, but stopped, he had something that he needed to do first. If he wanted to have anything to do with Jin, he wanted to have it the right way.

He looked at Jin's face, eyes glancing into his soul.

"Jin before we get into anything else here, I just want to tell you that I meant every word I said that night. Not being able to see you every day, even though I admit all I did was stalk and bully you, it was torture. And when Jungkook told me Ken made you cry, I lost it. Even thought that was a lie, I swear I thought I wouldn't be able to live anymore." Namjoon paused to push a strand of Jin's hair that had falling on his face, away. "My heart hurt so much. I don't want to ever feel like that again. I don't want you to ever be sad. I promise I will protect you from every harm and danger. I would give my life for you. The night I kissed you was the happiest night of my life; Yes, I ran, but I was so happy. Thinking about that night, saying sorry wouldn't be enough to ask for your forgiveness, but I promise to make up for it now. I will cherish you every second we are together, if only you would be boyfriend?"

Jin's eyes widened.

"U-Uh, I know that you might not want that also cause-" Namjoon panic was cut off by Jin's lips.

"Do you know how messed up you had me these last three weeks? I was basically acting like a teenage girl. There was so much happening in my head that all I wanted to do was catch you and kiss you again, and trust me when I did it today, I knew. I like you too. And yes, I would love to be your boyfriend." Jin stated after the kiss, only to be pulled into another kiss by Namjoon.


Both boys jumped and looked towards the door near the back of the room.

"I fucking knew it! I'm such a genius! Pay me, dammit!" Jungkook screamed and did a very weird victory dance. Jimin walked in behind him clapping,

"That was so sweet Joon Hyung. I swear you got some moves there."

"Congrats, Hyung!" Hoseok and Yoongi stated before smirking.

Namjoon smiled wide as Jin shoved his embarrassed face into Namjoon's shirt. Jin was blushing like crazy. He was caught by his friends. There will be no end to his torture after this.

"Don't worry Hyung, I'll keep you safe." Namjoon whispered into Jin's ear, reading his boyfriends mind.

Jin smiled as they both stood up only to be crushed in a hug by the others.

"So, how long have you guys been out there?" Jin asked hoping they had just arrived and hadn't seen or heard anything.

Jimin grinned.

"Well I came with Namjoon Hyung to check out the empty room. When Hyung entered this room, I was in the next and Yeah, I spotted you from behind the I called Kookie and the others."

"So basically, we heard everything and I mean everything" Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows.

They all burst into laughter except Jin and Namjoon who were blushing like tomatoes.


Wazzup Wazzup wazzzzuuuuupppp

How you doing

Good I hope, more like j-hope

OK I'll stop now
I'm not funny, just kill me.

But anyway what do think

Pls tell me
Lovez ya

[EDITED: 17.04.2020]

Caught in Love  (NamJin) [ Edited ]Where stories live. Discover now