Heart break

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Jin groaned as he hit his alarm. He had barely gotten an hour of sleep, thanks to his mind.

He rolled over, throwing his legs of his bed to get up and take a shower (Hopefully he'd be able to wash away last night's problems with it, Hopefully). He had already decided that he would confront Namjoon today, no matter what.

He headed out the house after giving his mother a kiss on the cheek and saying bye to his family.

He walked a little faster today, he was both excited as well as nervous. He wanted to get this of his mind once and for all. He definitely felt bad for all the Council work he was putting on halt just cause his brain couldn't focus on anything but the kiss he had with Namjoon (which wasn't actually a kiss, but we'll let Jin have this one).


Jin could swear the world hated him.

He had waited by the gate the whole morning for Namjoon, he was even late to his first class, but Namjoon was nowhere in sight. He had then decided to look for him during break, again no luck. During lunch he had asked Jimin and Jackson where Namjoon was, they wouldn't spill a word. He must have told them not to tell Jin (definitely did).

It was now after school and Jin had left the Council room early just to scout for Namjoon, but again the boy was just so good at ticking Jin off.

He was not in the gym, not in the field, not on the court, music room or his apparent 'secret hideout ' (which was the rooftop of the Library block, how original). Jin was going crazy, he just wanted an explanation about what these feelings are.

He groaned and cursed Namjoon out in his head as he kicked small pebbles here and there out of frustration, earning snickering and giggles from the people passing by. He didn't care about them though, only one person was torturing his brain right now.

Oh, and when he finds him, the boy will have all hell to pay.


Two weeks.

It had been two whole weeks.

Kim Namjoon had managed to not only avoid, but also ignore Jin. And boy, was Jin beyond furious.

There was once where Jin had caught a glimpse of the blonde, but as soon as Namjoon saw Jin approach him, he dashed off at the speed of light. Leaving Jin again, with no progress and a frustrated brain.

Today was the day! Jin thought (honestly, he thought that every day, but he still hadn't caught Namjoon, so we'll make it count).

Jin had to come in way earlier today cause the Student Council had a meeting about the jamboree that was to take place in three days. He was walking like a zombie, until blonde hair caught the corner of his eye. He froze and blinked.

"Namjoon!" He yelled, but it seemed like the other boy didn't hear him.

Jin walked closer to where the boy was standing, he seemed to be talking to someone.

Jin hid behind a tree (Stalking is illegal in all states, don't do anything stupid like Jin) to eavesdrop. Honestly, he didn't even know why he was hiding it just came on instinct (Nice, stalker Alert). He tried to pick up on the full conversation but could only get specks of it (maybe he just had selective hearing).

'-I'll come home'

'-Sleep in my bed'

'-Good time'

(definitely has selective hearing, but at least he heard the main parts that play into the story, so you go Jin. You do you, Girl!)

Jin furrowed his eyebrows.

What the dying dinosaur were there talking about?

Jin's eyes widened when he saw what happened next.

The girl had hugged Namjoon and shout shouted 'I love you Oppa' as she left.

Jin could swear his heart dropped to the ground. It was like he was being stabbed again and again, in the heart. He hadn't noticed he was crying until he felt a drop on his shaking hand.

He fled like a teenage girl who had her heart broken (Which we all know is the only way to describe his state right now). He couldn't stop the tears.

They just wouldn't stop.

He kept thinking it was so silly, he wasn't even with Namjoon, why did he feel this hurt?

He cried all the way to the council room.


Adding drama cause like that's who I am, Hehe 😂

So, how's it so far, it good? It bad?

Tell me Wat u think

Thanks for reading

Lovesz ya

[EDITED: 15.04.2020]

P.S – Editing Joanna is not going to bother with editing 17-year-old Joanna's extremely misspelled bold comments. She apparently thought saying 'Lovesz ya' was cool, so pardon her last brain cell trying to do the job of the original three she had.

Caught in Love  (NamJin) [ Edited ]Where stories live. Discover now