First Date... pfft or Nah.

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It was a Saturday, and Namjoon was awoken by the sound of his phone ringing. The boy was in no mood to pick it, but the person who was calling didn't seem to get that after Namjoon hadn't picked up the first two calls.

Groaning Namjoon flipped it over and came into the sight of Jin's beautiful face. He shot up and looked at the time. It was already quarter to twelve. Namjoon stated to panic. He quickly picked up the call.

"NAMJOON WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU? I SWEAR YOU BETTER NOT BE SLEEPING!" Jin yelled through the phone. Namjoon knew how was going to be killed.

"I'm sorry, baby." He said as he made a silent prayer for his safety. "I got up late... I'm so sorry. I'll be right there, give me fifteen minutes." Namjoon was mentally beating himself up, he was up all-night thinking about it and hadn't managed to get any sleep until four in the morning. He couldn't be doing this; He couldn't believe he made Jin wait for him. He just wanted to smack himself with the chair. It was their first date, and Namjoon already spoilt it.

Cutting the call, he dashed in and out the shower and got ready at top speed. He ran out of the house and into his car.

Jin would be so pissed if he knew he was driving like a madman, but we'll save that anger for another day.

Namjoon pulled up in front of Jin's house and sprinted to the door. He rang the bell and was greeted by a very very, need I say very pissed of Kim Seokjin. The older had his hands on his hips and you could tell by the look he gave Namjoon that he wanted to kill him.

"What the heck do you think is the time?" Jin tried to sound calm but, his voice was dripping with irritation.

"I'm really sorry, baby. I slept late, I was so busy thinking and dreaming of finally getting to spend the day with you... That I- Ouch!" Namjoon was trying to sooth the angry Jin, but was smacked on the arm when he tried to wrap them around Jin's waist.

"Don't even think of touching me, Namjoon. I cannot believe you would be late for today!" Jin wasn't pissed anymore, in fact he melted when Namjoon said he had stayed up thinking and dreaming about spending the day with him, but he needed to put up his attitude and sound angry. He really couldn't believe that Namjoon would be late on their first date.

They had planned everything out yesterday when they were walking back from school. Well it was Namjoon who suggested it, but honestly Jin had been dying to go on one since the day they got together, so he didn't hesitant to agree. They would go to watch a movie much to Namjoon's disappointment, he had planned out a first date long back but that never came to pass, and the tickets to the food exhibition was outdated by now. So, all he could settle for was a movie, which they were now an hour late for.

"Ooh, is that your Joonie, Sweetie? Why don't you let him come in?" Both the boys turned to Jin's mother, the lady had the sweetest smile on her face, quiet like Jin's Namjoon noticed.

Jin was a little hesitant before he moved aside for Namjoon to enter. The younger bowed and took off his shoes before the walked up to Jin's mother and greeted her.

Jin was very nervous about his family meeting Namjoon, they had a tendency to tease Jin for everything.

"Omo, you're so handsome and well mannered, my little Jinbaby is so lucky to have you. He's told us so much about you!"

There goes Jin's hope, they would ruin his life. It was true that he always talked about the younger at home, but Jin regretted everything. His mother had now dragged Namjoon into the kitchen. Jin heard his mother yell that Namjoon was here and everyone should come down. That was it, that was the end of Jin's life for sure.

Hey hey hey


A little Jin flare for you.

[EDITED: 21.04.2020]

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