Calling Love

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I don't know if this needs a warning...

Jin was just out of the shower and was drying his hair when he heard his phone ring. He immediately jumped for it and answered the call, not bothering to check the caller ID.

"YAH! You were supposed to call an hour ago!" Jin yelled into the phone. He heard chuckling and then the voice he loved so very much.

"Sorry, baby. Jackson and Mark came over to our room, and we were playing aiming lame games. I wanted to talk to you when it was calm and peaceful so I had to wait for them to leave. But did you miss me that much?" Namjoon teased through the phone.

Jin pouted and huffed, then he realized that Namjoon couldn't see him.

"Of course, I missed you. Meanie." Jin whispered back.

"What? What was that, I didn't hear you, baby... You missed me?" Namjoon was enjoying teasing and making his baby pout, which he knew Jin was doing.

"I'm cutting the call, no point talking to you, you big Dumbo!"

"Wait, wait, wait... Jin baby, I was only playing with you love, don't cut the call! I miss you too, please don't cut it." Jin chuckled at hearing Namjoon panic.

"Awe... You really missed me, Joonie?" it was Jin's turn to poke at Namjoon.

"Yup yup, a whole damn fucking lot! I miss your hugs and kisses, and body and beautiful face, and your sweet voice and your moans and your- You're blushing right now, aren't you." Namjoon calmly stated knowing what gets to his boyfriend.


"Awe, you don't have to lie my little princess, I know you. Plus, I miss your blushing face too." Namjoon's voice got softer at the end.

"If you knew then why'd you asked!" Jin huffed and folded his arms.

"Baby, I want to kiss you... " Namjoon's voice was a couple octaves lower, and that sent shivers down Jin's spine.

Jin heard ruffling and things being moved on the other end. But he shrugged it off.

"I want to kiss you too, Joonie." Jin replied, but suddenly blushed when he heard panting and ragged breathing. Jin's eyes widened.

"Baby are you okay? What's going on? Are you-"

"Jin can you call? Call out my name, please... " Jin was a little confused.

"Namjoon are you okay? Is everything -"

"Baby, I love you so much!" Jin blushed and then the reality of the situation hit him.

"Namjoon, are you touching yourself?" Jin shyly asked, feeling himself hardening at the image of Namjoon jerking himself off.

"Baby I love you... I want you so much... I-I, I want to take you." Jin was blushing a deep shade of red. And for the first time Jin though about what Namjoon said. Namjoon was a boy and he had his needs, just like every other guy. They had been together for four months now... and they still hadn't done it yet.

"Joonie... I-" Jin stopped when he heard a grunt.

"Baby, please say my name..."

"Namjoon." Jin replied softly, hanging his head low.

"Arrg... Ha... Ha.... Baby, I love you... Ha... "

It took a while for Namjoon to calm down.

"Yes, baby you were going to say something? "

"Um, Huh? Oh, y-yeah all the best for the game tomorrow, as much as I want you here, I hope you win and make everyone proud... I'll be so happy if you win baby... " Jin replied trying not to sound effected by his thoughts.

"Yeah... But I really want to see you, baby... And touch you and -"

"Soon, Joonie! I got to go now; I love you! All the best for the match! Bye, sleep tight, don't let the yoongibugs bite!"

"Huh! Wait ji-"

Jin cut the call and fell on his bed. He grabbed his pillow and snuggled into it, as if on que his mind when to what Namjoon said.

Was he being a bitch and not making Namjoon happy?

"Argh!" Jin yelled into his other pillow.

Just you wait, Kim Namjoon!

Short weird chapter, but well now you know, so expect namjin fucking up ahead.

I'm sorry.

[EDITED: 27.04.2020] 

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