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Hey guys, it's been a hot minute. 

I really appreciate all the support and love you have shown this book as well as my other work. Really, I can't describe in words how happy I was to read your comments and see what you had to say. I am humbled as well as honored that you have chosen to read this, for the lack of better words, grammatical atrocity. For those who managed to stick with it and reach the end, Kudos to you (I know ya'll will probably be the ones to survive the apocalypses, cause PERSISTANCE .) 

Now coming to the main reason why I'm wasting another 50 seconds of your precious time.

I will be deleting this fanfiction.

Wow, that was a little more dramatic then I hoped for...    

But, It's true. I will be deleting all my books and eventually my account (I doubt they'll be missed, but lets pretend for a minute here please. XD) 

There isn't any particular reason, I think I've just gotten bored of Wattpad. But if I do consider putting them up elsewhere, I'll let you know before the books come down or on my profile. 

And that's it, thank you for you time, love and support. I wish you all the very best and hope you have amazing lives and futures.

...why did that last part sound like I'm giving my graduation speech?

Oh well. 

Caught in Love  (NamJin) [ Edited ]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant