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Taehyung sighed as they all walked toward to school building. He was hurting yes, but he decided to get through it. They were truly happy, they both deserved each other. They were perfect, they complemented each other so well that it made the people around them smile. The way Namjoon melted when he had Jin in his arms, or the way Jin blushed as they were making out, or even when they were in the cafeteria feeding each other. Everything was better when they were together. Namjoon smiled like no one's business when he was being pampered by Jin. That's how their love was, each other slowly changing the other person for the better.

Taehyung would be lying if he said he wasn't jealous. He wanted that too, he wanted someone like that as well, someone to hold him, tease him and squeeze him. Someone to kiss and feel loved by. Someone to take his mind of Jin.

No, he wasn't planning on ambushing their relationship again, he was done with that. He needed to move on. The faster the better, sure a part of his heart would still be captured by Jin, but he would learn to live with it. If Jin was happy with Namjoon, he had no right to take that happiness from them.

Well you see, not everyone thought like Taehyung. Standing behind the gate was a particularly furious and pissed of being. The person had seen the full scene evolve and they hated it. The person stomped their feet like a child that didn't get their favourite ice cream and walked into the school.

I swear I will make you suffer; You do not deserve him even one bit!


Yay, this is just another short filler, well I had to add the person in somewhere so I decided to do it here.

It's going to be so fun tourturing y'all


I love yall

[EDITED: 19.04.2020]

P.S – Editing Joanna is surprisingly really happy with this chapter. 

Caught in Love  (NamJin) [ Edited ]Where stories live. Discover now