Save Me

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That was fucking it!

Namjoon had lost his shit. It had been a day and a half, and Jin was nowhere to be seen or heard. He was still at Jin's house waiting to lecture his head off when or if the boy returned. Jin's family was starting to panic and so was he. What if something bad happened?

Namjoon paced up and down the living room, Jin's parents were seated on the couch, contemplating what needs to be done. They had filed a missing report, but they got no response yet. Jin was never the type to go somewhere and not tell his parents. They were very open, and they knew Jin was really appreciative of that.

"Oppa, have some food... You haven't eaten anything." Hani approached Namjoon with a plate. Only to get rejected again as he ignored her. Namjoon hadn't eaten ever since he walked into the Kim's house. He kept putting it off saying he would eat with Jin, but now the boy hadn't come home, and everyone could hear Namjoon's stomach growl.

Hani sighed. He was stubborn, and she had gotten to know that from all her brothers ranting. She was the calmest of them all, she knew it could be a bad situation, but she also knew that her brother could take care of himself. Don't get her wrong, she was still scared and worried about him, she just hoped that maybe he was just sleeping in the park or being a little absent minded or something, anything other than him being in danger.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang and Namjoon flew to open it. He frowned as he let their friends in, they all hugged him. He had messaged on their group that Jin was missing, half an hour ago. They were all such good friends. They all walked back into the living room and greeted Jin's parents. Jungkook went up to Jin's mom and held her hand while the others were talking about where he could be.

"We were having a Council break... So, he should have been home by like what, say four?" Jungkook stated matter of factly.
"Yeah. He told me, we even made plans. I had practice so I told him to get home and rest till I came to pick him... But he never messaged after that, and when I came here, he wasn't here." Namjoon was being drowned in worry. He was blaming himself. His heart was aching the more he taught about it. Yoongi noticed and spoke up.

"Don't beat yourself over it, now's not the time. Let's just focus on how to find him." Was Yoongi always this mature?

"Okay, so trace back, he left when exactly?" Yoongi questioned Namjoon.

"Uh, he messaged at 3:15 and told me he was free... So, like around 3:30 max." Yes, he had read over their conversation so many times before, to see if Jin had said anything about going somewhere. He had memorised everything.

"Did he say he was going anywhere? Or, like doing anything with anyone?" Namjoon nearly cried at the last sentence.

"Hey, I saw Jin Hyung with the girl, the one that clings to Jonnie!" Jimin shot up "I think they were heading out of school; I was running for dance practice so I didn't both to stop them." Jimin trailed off. He was regretting not doing that now.

Everyone froze, well other than Jin's family. The friends all looked at each other.

"I swear to God! If that bitch has done anything to Jin, I will burn her!" Jungkook yelled, his anger was out. He hated that slimy lowlife hoe so much. Ever since Jin told him the whole story the day he ran after him in the cafeteria, he hated her existence. She had wiggled her slutly self between his favourite couple, not to mention best friend, and made Jin's life miserable. His hands always just itched to scratch her face or pull all her hair out, but he controlled for Jin. He knew Jin would not like him touching or even wasting his time on the being. But right, now. Right this moment, he didn't care. He was going to find her and kill her.

Namjoon's loud groan got everyone's attention. He was trying to call her, but the number kept saying non-existent. They all watched him fling his phone to the wall and fall to the ground. He was clutching his hair as his tears rolled down. How could he let this happen? He should have just gone with Jin! If only he did, Jin wouldn't be missing. God help him if that thing actually did something to him, he would strangle her. What could she have done? Why would she do anything to him? Yes, he always caught her glaring at his princess, but he paid no attention to it. She must have been planning it from the start! Namjoon was so frustrated with himself.

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