Chapter 1: The Test

Start from the beginning

The Hall is packed with people who look just like me, only their skin is covered in ink and glint in the sunlight from the many piercings that they have. Zeke points to a table in the corner of the Dining Hall, and they all race there. I don't feel like running, so I just jog.

With every step I take, I think about the Aptitude Test. Step, What if I have to leave my family? Step, I cannot prepare for the test in any way. I don't know what the test may hold. Step, I watch as everyone laughs at the tables around me, and somehow, leaving this place doesn't seem like an option, and a smile spreads across my pale face.


"Good luck on your test today, guys!" My father and Zeke shout at us as we stand, walking to the Dining Hall exit. No one turns around, but I do. I smile at my father and Zeke, and I wave.

They wave back, and smiles cover their faces. Soon, I follow Ashton out the door, and he slings his arm around my back when we enter the Pit. "How's my Maddie darling doing?" He asks.

I bite my lip, and smile. "I'm doing fine, Ashton. How about you?" He grins, running a hand through his somewhat short chestnut blonde hair. His eyes are a green-blue hue, just like Olivia's are.

"I'm doing GREAT!" He shouts as we begin to jog, and people in the Pit stare at him, raising their eyebrows, but eventually they all go back to talking and dancing and jumping off of the rocky ledges.

There are no railings here, not even on the highest paths. You fall, you find a way to survive, or you die. Hunter leads the way, and he pushes against the compound exit door, opening it and exposing us to daylight.

Daylight has always seemed weird to me, but that's probably because I never really see it. We step outside and see all of our other friends. They all huddle together and talk; even Ashton leaves my side. I just stand near the tracks and wait for the train to arrive.

Soon, I hear gravel shifting behind me, and I turn to see Jordan standing by my side. "Go away." I say to him. He's my on again, off again boyfriend. I don't like how clingy he gets, especially because I just want to be alone all the time.

Pushing people away is in my nature, but I just think it's funny when I push someone away, and they actually stay away. "Why do you want me to leave? I'm your boyfriend." He says as he raises an eyebrow.

I turn back to the tracks and sigh. "I just want to be alone." I whisper, and he pushes the gravel around with his feet, covering his shoes in dust.

"You always want to be alone." He says, and I send him a death glare.

"Exactly, so just, just go hang out with the people that actually like other people." I snap at him, and he turns, sighing as he jogs back to the huddle. I cover my face with my hands. I honestly don't know why I'm so depressed. I think it's because I'm nervous about this test.

Maybe it's also because I haven't found people that are quite like me. Ashton is too much of an extrovert. He loves to party, just like Olivia. Abby is into fashion and makeup and dresses, just like Ariana and Ashley. They're all into that kind of stuff.

Jordan and Hunter are the same, even though I don't really know what they like. They both like working out, I guess. I don't even know what I like. I'm too busy stressing myself out to know what I like.

Soon, the train whizzes past me, and I begin running. I run ahead of my friends, who all chant for me since normally I'm the last one on the train. I lick my lips as I make a jump for the door, missing it slightly.

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