Chapter 30-Sakura's Holiday Treat

Start from the beginning

"Sorry I'm late." Nagisa says sheepishly. She noticed that behind the girls were all the guys, ready to set off, including Yahiro. "I still haven't gone round to fix my broken alarm clock."

The girl with lilac hair laughed. "It's okay. We're not in a rush. I like your honesty."

"Thanks." Nagisa replied. "I'm Takishima Nagisa Alberto and you are?"

"Ushikubo Sakura. My family treasures honesty more than anything and I will not tolerate lies." Sakura says with a smile and shakes hands with Nagisa. Once they were both formally introduced, the small party boarded one of the yachts docked at the ferry terminal before they set off.

Sakura wanted to sit next to the honest Hikari, but Kei and Akira were already fighting over it. Sighing, she turns towards Jun, to find him in between Ryuu and Megumi. Left with no choice, she sat down next to Yahiro, nudging his shoulder in the process.

"Hey." she says, and Yahiro could see it in her eyes. Sakura was plotting something. "Are they all coupled up? I mean, I did prepare a couple treasure hunt like the last time..."

The last time? Yahiro merely raised an eyebrow. Sakura was beginning to become an independent planner, but if it was successful was a totally different thing.

"Well, Sakura. I know for a fact Kei has dibs on Hikari, Tadashi is the one for Akira..." he slowly trails off, a lazy smile gracing his lips. "The twins are with us, so it leaves Nagisa and Ryuu. Nagisa is single, from what I heard."

"Does that mean we can pair her up with Ryuu?" Sakura says, mischief dancing inside her eyes. "I've spoke to Shinobu, Ryuu's sister two weeks ago when I finally caught her in public. She was fretting over Ryuu staying single."

"Isn't this perfect, Miss Ushikubo?" Yahiro comments. "Why don't you go have a friendly chat with that half-American lady and find out if she really is single?"

"You lied!" Sakura points an accusing finger at Yahiro, who puts his hands up in mock surrender. "Didn't we promise honesty at all costs?"

"I didn't." he smirks back at the fuming girl. "The last time we met she was single. Who knows if she's got a boyfriend? I don't keep tabs on her, no one did. Until she showed up in the meeting of the heirs and heiresses which you didn't attend due to-"

"Stop." a blush coated Sakura's cheeks, out of pure embarrassment and nothing else. "It's awkward to talk about the reason I couldn't make it. You're a guy, you wouldn't understand a lady's problem."

Yahiro got on Sakura's nerves. She got up from her seat and made her way towards Nagisa, not sparing a single glance towards her smirking friend.

"Hi Nagisa." Sakura smiled at the oblivious girl next to her. "I want to know more about you, like what is your height? You're so tall!"

And that was it. Sakura knew whatever information she needed could be obtained from her conversation, and that was all she needed to carry out her plans.

"Are you single?" Yahiro heard Sakura ask. That girl was too honest for his liking, and too straightforward. He thought she would sneakily place the question into the conversation, but no, she just said it as casually as one asks for someone else's favourite food.

Luckily, to that straightforward girl's favour, Yahiro noticed that not once did suspicion cross Nagisa's face. It made his younger brother's babysitter such a trusting person.

The ferry ride felt extremely long, and when they finally reached the island, Tadashi felt that he could kiss the ground. Not that he wanted to, he just wanted to start exploring. He had gotten restless sitting down on the yacht and decided to explore. He probably wandered around the entire yacht two or three times before the crew pinned him to his seat for entering staff-only rooms by accident.

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