thirty six ▋curious cat

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"You're rambling," Yeosang pointed out, taking a seat on her bed to sit near her. That was the second time now, she's been told she's shooting off at the mouth. When did this decide to start happening? She could have sworn this wasn't a normal habit of hers.

Yeosang seemed to pick up on the shift as well, resting his head on his hand as he looked at her with his unblinking stare. He looked too much like a statue for his own good, was he even breathing at this point. "Mari are you... okay? You haven't been yourself lately."

"You can tell?" She fell back into her bed's pillow with a huff, a frustrated pout playing across her lips. "I thought I was doing a rather good job of hiding it."

"You have been fidgeting around Wooyoung for the last two days, haven't spoken to San in a week, earned yourself a rambling habit," Yeosang listed off, counting each flaw in Mari on his fingers. "And you didn't pay attention to a word the Underboss has said when he addressed the entire faction today. I know you know most of the information he had given out but you should have at least pretend to pay attention to him."

Mari narrowed her eyes at the boy, sitting up against her pillows to attempt to match his intense stare. "Why the hell are you so perspective of me?"

"I'm your future Consigliere, I have to pay attention to these things," He reminded her, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. "But seriously, what's going on? Usually, you're in a fiery, hyped up, nearly bouncing off of the walls' mood. I don't like seeing you apprehensive and uneasy, it's scary."

Yeosang sure knew how to push her buttons because he was getting a little too comfortable with her. "I'm a human being, Yeosang. That's normal for me to feel this way sometimes. Unfortunately, I am not a scary and old Greek statue like you are and actually display my feelings by wearing my heart on my sleeve."

"Stop avoiding the question," Yeosang quickly scolded, a hint of annoyance gleaming in his eyes.

Mari huffed once more, crossing her arms like a child ready to throw a tantrum. "Listen Yeosang, I know you're just tryna be helpful and listen to me and everything but..." She began, throwing out whatever excuse she could come up with on the fly. Though his eyes were carving holes straight through her head, his soft smile burning away her will to even continue on with her statement. Curse Kang Yeosang, no one told him to be good at getting the truth out of people. "It's San and Wooyoung."

"I guessed so," He shrugged, but urged her to continue on anyway.

"Things have just been... very weird lately. Specifically with San. Recently he spilled the fact that he knew that the boss was my father involuntarily but I ended up running away from him before we could really get into a conversation about it," Mari confessed, her shoulder slumping at the memory. "I ended up being preoccupied with other things before I could ever even think about confronting him about it all, then when I was ready to talk to him about it all he started... ignoring me."

"Out of the blue?" Yeosang quickly asked before Mari could change the subject again

"Completely out of the blue! The last time he had ignored me was when I was trying to prove Jongho's innocence. This time I don't even know what I did, and I can't even ask him because every time we make eye contact he starts making a mad dash for any exit in sight!" Mari complained, on the genuine very often throwing a temper tantrum. The whole situation with San was just so stupid in all actuality. If she just didn't avoid him for so long, if she didn't drop everything in that one moment and ran away, this wouldn't have been happening.

But if she didn't end up leaving, Mingi probably would have never caught Mari in time before Hongjoong's father showed up. Who knows what type of chaos would ensue when the sick son and the bastard father were alone and forced to interact with each other?

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