“You walk down the street looking like that and the FBI will be all over you like a dog on little puppy steroids” Joey remarked quite seriously, leaving the room momentarily before coming back with a bundle of clothes.  “Put these on.”

“Yeah and how does that explain the blood everywhere else on my body and the smell that comes with it Einstein?” I said, getting more and more angry at every passing second. Yet again, he remained mute like his idiot of a doctor brother. I mean, does this guy even have a degree in Medicine? Because someone as ‘smart’ as him should notice my sarcasm a mile away.

“So?” he asked, more to himself it seems than me. I scoffed, not actually being able to believe that this was actually happening. So? So?

Because seventeen year old girls walk around looking like the wife of Frankenstein and smelling like a blood bank on speed!” I shrieked, not being able to stop the cynicism that is all me.

“There’s a shower outside in the second hall?”

“Thank you!”

Gosh, you would think I was asking them to decorate the planet Jupiter and bring it to me without dying. All of which is impossible if I must point out. Minutes of my life I will never get back all because they’re too stupid to handle my sarcasm, I think as I march down the hall accompanied with some new clothes. Opening the door with quite roughly, I locked it behind me and took in the pristine white area that surrounded me.

There is just something about white that I don’t like. I guess it was because of past experience with everything being so white that I loathe it now. It was just a blank canvas, it’s past non-existent as it’s only purpose is to show what the painter wants. To show what the painter wants everyone else to see. Just like me I guess. I’m nothing more than a blank canvas orchestrated my Adrian to cater to his needs. My past means nothing to him, only my future concerns him.

You shouldn’t think like that, I scold myself mentally as I peel off my sticky, blood clad clothing. I’m more than that. My past makes me who I am. People used to like me, the real Hannah, not this Megan façade. I step inside the white shower, shutting the shower screen that lead to the real world that I wasn’t ready to face so soon. I spent a few precious moments studying the detail, as I do with many objects, watching the flowers and leaves almost climb up the screen playfully. Several neon blue lights almost assault my eyes as they switch on to about a million watts. Everything was too bright, I could recognise the little black dots that blurred my vision.

“You’re a great person” I tell myself in an attempt to cheer myself up as powerful jets of water shoot out and beat against my skin. By now, my eyes had gotten used to the lights and I stood there watching the murky browny-red water swirl down the drain to another world entirely, starting a journey of its own. Out of nowhere, a pink like soap started frothing out of some of the jets and alarmed, I did try to escape before deciding the strawberry scented froth offered no real threat to me whatsoever.

What am I actually doing with my life? The question took me by surprise and I pondered over it for a second. The sad thing is, is that I don’t know the answer to that question. I always just assumed that I would just finish this mission and leave to try and reassemble what life I had left. Even more so now that I know Joey needs that diamond.

What about the note?

I froze, my mind suddenly referring back to the note I had found several weeks ago when I was at maybe one of the lowest points in my life. What had it said I think urgently, turning off the shower and stepping out gingerly onto a baby blue mat. I have been so pre-occupied with this whole palaver that I have completely forgotten about that note. Now where did I put it?

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