Chapter 19

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“Are you ready?” Justin asked me slowly as we both stood in front of the solid white door that would open up a world of different outcomes, most of which aren’t the ones I want at all. I looked over at him from the corner of my eye, noting the pristine smell in the air as I tried to conjure up an answer.

“Do I have a choice?” I decided to finally ask as I turned towards him, raising an eyebrow because it was true; I didn’t have a choice. They knew about me from day one and they were always gonna get me and talk to me, it was inevitable. Sighing I push the door open to find a large group of people, all in separate little banks doing what I could only describe as surveillance. It was quite a shock really; I was expecting to see loads of people flurrying about doing this and that and generally being hopelessly busy at whatever it was they needed to do.

Or maybe I was expecting something from a James Bond movie.

Whatever my pre-conceived expectations they certainly were not this.

“Surprised?” Justin asked, smirking at my shocked expression that I hadn’t realised was on my face to begin with.

Scowling I turned to face him, watching his expression change as he realised that I had changed in the minute amount of time in which I had found out that Joey had been lying to me. I used to be so happy; my parents were amazing and my acting career really was going to take off, I could feel it. Then they decided to take me from that alleyway when I was just inches away from what I had known; they took away the one thing that defined who I was- my identity. And then after forcing me to change everything about myself I suddenly find out that everything is just a sham, a big fat lie. Shit like that changes a person and for me, I was cold as ice now and prepared to stay that way for a long time because that’s seemingly the only way not to get anyone to screw you over.

“Nothing surprises me anymore” I muttered darkly before striding into the room and diverting straight towards a young woman in a navy suit dress. Her hair was tied back in a messy blonde bun and she had what seemed like a dozen flyaways. Her dress was straight but she wore fishnet tights on underneath and patent high heels that extended her height by several inches. Turning around her face was young and fresh; she couldn’t have been more than 23 years old. On seeing me her expression brightened slightly and she ran along to meet me halfway.

“You must be Hanna Moriati” she said smiling, her hazel brown eyes bright with youth as they seemed to dazzle against the paleness of the room. My stomach couldn’t help but turn at her perkiness; early twenties and so happy about life. If only she had gone through what I had gone through only then would she realise how lucky she really is.

“And you are?” I asked rudely whilst grabbing the nearest swivel chair from behind me, watching her face instantly fall as it dawned on her how difficult I was actually going to be. Clicking her fingers someone quickly ushered over another swivel chair and she sat down on it poised and ready as she pulled out a small slick little notepad from inside her dress. Something about the gesture itself just made me smile a little bit; it brought me a joy I hadn’t felt for some time.

“Alexis Bright, CIA Junior Agent and I have been assigned to your case. I’m 22 years old, speak six languages and I can kill you in 36 ways with a bobby pin and scalpel knife. Don’t mess with me and I might consider letting you live” she clipped out dryly, licking her finger to turn over a page in her notepad. Instantly I sat up straighter in my chair as the fear instilled in me shaped my judgement.

Taking a deep breath I clenched my hands as I took in what she had told me. My training was nothing in comparison to that; the way she switched so easily was scary… my hands grew slightly clammy as I tried to think of another question to ask. But it was all for nothing because it seemed that I wasn’t the one instigating the ultimatum.

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