Chapter 9

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Officially, I was now done. I was officially Megan Chivonsky. I had the curly dark brown hair, the perfectly shaped dark eyebrows, the painfully clear skin. Painful because the face peel they forced me to have took way more than one layer of my skin. It removed most, if not all of my freckles and left behind even paler baby soft skin. Heck, they even gave me her style. Layered clothing mainly, and loads of hats. It wasn’t me at all. It was too quirky.

“OK, now that you physically look like Megan, you just have to get the basics of your background” Dr Morgan Smith droned, smirking at me. I grimaced before watching the screen show a basic profile of Megan Chivonsky.

“So, you’re 17. You’ve been away for 7 months staying with your Grandparents in London. You come from a well off family, parents owners of the ‘Just Delicious’ cupcake shop situated near to your high school. Favourite subject Art, which is good because you took it as a GCSE. You know the rest; you’ll be able to read up plenty on your flight-”

“Flight?” I asked sceptically, raising one eyebrow. Dr Morgan-Smith only laughed at me before leaning forwards. Retreating, his face made a detour towards my ear. He whispered slowly, the hot breath causing me to cringe.

“Didn’t I tell you that your new job requires you to move to California?”

Instantly, I felt myself stop breathing. I stayed like that, rooted to the spot and words cannot describe the betrayal, the hurt and utter deceit that managed to run wild within me. When black spots started to interfere with my vision, I finally managed to let out the breath I had been holding and the oxygen my brain started to receive stopped me from passing out. I flinched away from him, to see him smiling down at me.

“I thought you’d love California.”

“You pig” I spat out, standing with a new found anger. “You’re moving me halfway across the world away from my parents?! I knew I wouldn’t see them for a while but when I’m done I at least-”

“What do you mean ‘a while’?” the doctor asked bemusedly, leaning back against the screen. His blonde hair was gelled back, making it look awfully greasy. His brown eyes seemed sickly and the thought of him having any control over me whatsoever caused a part of my soul to die inside.

I blinked, feeling the tears of reality start to force their way out. What is he hinting at, I thought, paranoia sinking in as I started to get a hint of what he was trying to say. I opened my mouth several times in an attempt to speak but it took several tries before anything came out of my mouth.

“Exactly what I mean you turd, a while!” I said shakily, trying to fake the confidence. All he did was laugh.

“You’re never seeing your parents again.”


And that’s how I ended up crying in my ‘room’ whilst a dozen people behind those closed doors were sorting out the flight that would separate me from my parents forever. I just kept on crying.

And crying.

And hyperventilating come to think of it.

I cried till I was weak, when I knew there was no energy left in me to cry or to feel anything. Hours went by and I thought everyone had decided to leave me alone until I heard a knock at the door. I didn’t reply, instead deciding to remain curled up in the corner I had managed to come so close to these past few weeks.

Nonetheless, the door opens and footsteps start towards me until someone leans down. I look up and see Joey, yet again. I turned away from him, feeling nothing but disgust. He’s practically bosom buddies with that piece of crap for a doctor- he knew what he was planning and he knew that that plan never included me seeing my parents again.

“Come on Megan” he pleaded.

“My name is Hannah” I said simply, shrugging.

“I didn’t know-”

“Oh bull! You knew exactly what this stupid heist entails! You knew he was moving me to California and you knew that I would NEVER see my parents again! So screw you Joey!” I shrieked.

He reached towards me but before I knew it, my own hand snapped forwards and connected with his scarred cheek. The loud slap that echoed between us stilled the air and none of us spoke. Seeing the scar glow read with the rest of his cheek caused a pang of guilt to stab into me before I pushed it aside.

He knew.

He didn’t say a word as he stood up, and started making his way out of the room. Suddenly, he turned, and the stony expression on his face told me exactly what he thought of my earlier assault on his face.

“Be ready by 5am. The flight leaves at 8. We’ll be at your new house by tomorrow evening.”

He proceeded to leave until he stopped again, swivelling back round to face me. I remained  cold.

“Current surveillance tells us that Hannah is out at a movie tonight with a friend. Her parents might be expecting a call or two” he whispered, and he chucked something small and slim in my direction. I caught it one handed, and brought it to my chest, nodding slightly before he finally left and shut the door.

As soon as he left, I ran to the door, locking it before grabbing my thick white sheet and residing back to the corner. I threw the sheet over my head and opened my hands, seeing the mobile phone that I expected to see. I started crying again, yet these tears were those of joy.

“ Yes!” I whispered in joy. “Thank you!”

Dialling my house number with no hesitation, butterflies that seemed to imitate something more like ravenous bats in a cage started to make me feel uneasy, as the dial tone kept ringing. I almost hung up until a click told me to stop. Then the familiar motherly voice of my mum played music in my ears.


I half-cried half-laughed as clasped the phone tighter against my ear.

“Hello mum” I whispered whilst more tears started to stream my cheeks. I could almost feel the worry of my mum through the phone.

“Hannah honey, are you alright?” she asked, and I laughed.

“Just peachy mum. Just peachy.”

“Oh good! How was the movie? Jane Erye was very emotional wasn’t it?”

“Oh very!” I replied, lying through my teeth. I hated lying to her, she didn’t deserve it. “”Mum, I just wanna make it quick because I need to use the toilet but, I miss you and I love you and just never forget that!”

There was a pause on the other end before she answered.

“Honey, you’ve only been gone a couple of hours!” she joked, and we both started laughing, just like old times. “I cannot believe this, wait a minute I’m going to put you on speakerphone, your father has to hear this!”


“Daddy!" I almost screamed down the phone, my face now soaking with my own salty tears. “I love you so much dad, do you hear me? And you too mum! You’re the best parents I will ever have and I will love you forever, no matter how many mood swings I have! I love you guys so much! It’s unconditional!” I rushed out, knowing that my time was numbered.

“We love you too Hannah! What’s with the sudden rush of affection?” my dad said calmly. I laughed and gave them the answer I thought fit best.

“I might not have the chance to say it again anytime soon.”

And painfully I hung up but not before bursting into a new fresh mount of tears.


So, I dedicated this chapter to noodlehead1997 because as soon as she became a fan, she just started reading and commenting and voting on everything and she is awesome for that! ALSO, she is an amazing poet and writer, read her book called Poems! and her other, Anna's Secret! Both amazing :)


Stolen IdentityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora