Crying Babies And Car Rides ✔️

Start from the beginning

Stella begins to cry. Through her sobs she tries and speak but I can't hear a thing coming out of her mouth. I look at Ryan for help but he just slowly starts moving out of the dining room to avoid helping an emotional Stella.

" I'm sorry Everly. I don't know why I said those mean things to you. I'm - I'm just hurt that he chose you over his own sister." she sobs.

My heart breaks. She really thinks Liam chose me over her? There wasn't even really a choice. No one gave him a choice to choose between us.

" He didn't choose anyone Stella. The choice was never given. He just got upset over the whole lying thing." I say walking over to her.

She keeps on sobbing. I don't know what to do with a drunk girl. I haven't been placed in this situation in months.

" Come here. " I say as I take her into my arms and hug her. She doesn't hug me back. I guess she's unsure of what to do and probably shocked.

" I'm so-so sorry Everly." she sobs.

" It's okay." I whisper and Stella starts to calm down.

She backs away. I almost run away when I see how badly her makeup is smudged. I gulp and hesitantly take her hand and lead her to the bathroom. I help her take her makeup off and take her to her bed. She needs to sleep the alcohol off.

After putting Stella to bed I go and check up on Chicka. I look at the time to see it's just past 4pm. Liam should be home soon.

Liam mentioned something about meeting up with an old friend today. He took Chase and Lucas with him and left Ryan here to keep an eye on us. I haven't seen mom since this morning and now that I'm thinking of it...I also haven't seen James. I cringe at the thought going through my mind and walk over to my bed. Might as well take a nap now.

Chicka started crying just as I got into bed. Great one intoxicated baby sleeping and one upset baby crying. Welcome to my life.

I pick Chicka up and do a quick diaper change. Seeing as I have nothing to do now I sit in front of my laptop looking at college applications whilst breastfeeding Chicka. The new semester is on the verge of starting and me being occupied with the gang and all, I didn't have a chance to fill out my college applications. Chicka begins to stir and continues on with crying. Guessing she's not hungry I put her pacifier into her mouth. She spits it out and cries even louder. I stand up with her and start swaying her. She's quiet for about a minute before she starts crying again. She might have a burp that is making her uncomfortable. I get her burp cloth and put her down on my shoulder trying to get out her burp. Nothing seems to work.

" Why is she crying this much?" I hear mom ask as she comes into my room with a worried expression.

Chicka isn't a baby that cries often. She would cry for a few minutes but then stop. She's now been crying for over half an hour. I've tried everything. Something is definitely wrong.

" I don't know mom." I say frustrated.

Mom tries and take Chicka but she only cries more. I end up taking her again and start walking around with her through the house.

" Will you shut your child's mouth!" I hear Stella yell from her room.

I walk into the opposite direction as Stella's room and end up in the study. Chicka has been crying the whole time not even stopping to catch her breath.

Long Story Short, The Condom Broke ✔️Where stories live. Discover now