He's A Bad Guy ✔️

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Everly's Pov

" Everly."

I almost wet my pants. Which is nearly impossible because I just came out of the bathroom.

I turn to the sound of the voice and see it's Liam with his handso- ugly smile.

" Yes Liam?" I ask as I try and plaster a smile to my face. I fail miserably when Liam throws me a concerned look.

" That girl is just one of my -" he begins to explain.

" That was probably the best trip to the toilet I have ever had. The tiles were sparkling and the bathroom smelled so nice. Even the toilet paper looked amazing." I ramble.

Liam looks at me with a confused expression written over his face. Maybe that's his new signature look. Being confused. Suits him well.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. So about the girl-"

" I'm actually getting pretty hungry. You know how I get. Eating for two over here ha-ha."

Well done Everly. Go ahead and make the situation even more difficult, why don't you?

" Everly-"

" That muffin looks really goo-"

" Everly will you please shut up!."

I flinch from the sudden raise of Liam's voice. Now I don't know about you but I get pretty emotional when someone raises their voice at me.

Resisting the urge to freak out on him, I stay quiet. Not that I really want to. I ramble when I'm placed in an awkward situation and Liam flirting with another girl that shomehow led to me feeling a little jealous, makes me uncomfortable.

" I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. " Liam quickly apologizes when he sees me flinch.

" No worries."

I decide to brush it off. I'm already emotional as can be and I'm sure Liam doesn't want to be around a girl full of moodswings.

" That girl you saw she's one of my - uh my- yeah this is more difficult to explain when you have that look on your face - "

" Liam can you just take me home. Please."

I don't want to hear his pity excuse as to why he was flirting with another girl. It's hopeless. He can do whatever he wants to because we are just friends. He can hook up with a tree for all I care.

" Fuck it."

I can see Liam is annoyed with me when he grabs his keys and starts walking towards the exit. I follow behind him, not saying a word.

The car trip back to my house was awkward and quiet. Not one of us made the effort to start a conversation. I turned on the radio just to lessen the tension. Bobbing my head along to What a man gotta do from the Jonas Brothers I stare at the passing buildings.

When we arrived at my house I thanked Liam for dropping me off. He didn't say anything nor looked at me. Just nodded his head and drove off.

Long Story Short, The Condom Broke ✔️Where stories live. Discover now