March 16th to 22nd

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Music, Writing, Sketching, Movies, Painting, Scrapbooking, Graffiti, Dance, Knitting, it's amazing how many artistic fields interconnect and feed off of each other. Every writer seems to have a playlist, picture, or some other art form that they work into their stories; a necklace, rhyme, painting, lyrics, puzzle box, spyglass, a glowing golden ball with four stars in it. A common writing prompt is to take a picture or object and create a story around it.

What caused you to start writing this story in the first place? Not just writing in general, but THIS story in particular. What attracts you to THESE characters, THIS setting, THIS particular conflict. Chances are the reason is deeper than you think. Deeper than oceans.

So. While you're exploring your writer's Mariana Trench, let's get down to business for this week!

Our Krakken has been fed, the oubliette emptied, and barring Alternate Universes or necromancy, Alyhaymora will no longer be with us. Let us hope no one else comes close enough to start that cephalopod's beak salivating any time soon. Do cephalopods drool? No matter. The party must move on!

We have our two Mods, KendraMFrost and Etelkasan, still alive and ready to tackle dragons. (Please do tackle our dragon he's in need of a good fight. Or a hug. Either would make him happy and therefore less likely to munch on something regrettable.)

We have RexEynon, whose messages in the mundane-o-verse triggered the musical mania you've read above.

We have Ferret-Bird (and let's hope their other half isn't a corvid. That's a bit too much mischief in one package), whose certainty and stalwart soul would keep any crew from losing nerve.

We have Nicole Arlette, who should very much be writing nonsense poems any day now. Where be thou Jabberwocky? (And is that weed you mention smoke-able? I know a caterpillar-minded character or two)

We have Sabine Golde, whose escape and imagination leads us to forgotten realms where skin slips and all is not as it seems.

And Introducing for the First Time! x_luminous_x! Joining the werewolf clan (Alphas, play nicely) and making our group a round party of seven! Anyone else feeling lucky?

Just in time for this week's mission, too.

Investigating XylexRexEynon's creation of morphing creatures and energy gone wrong.

In-Line comments: General with focus on characters, please and thank you.

Discussion for the group: Do the characters seem clear enough?

Hunting through Meridian, the second work of Ferret-bird whose mysteries have yet to be divulged.

In-Line comments: Please focus on characters and worldbuilding. Grammar corrections for major errors.

Discussion for the group: Is the magic system explained well enough that you're able to follow the story?
(or)Are the characters and setting engaging?

And Seeking through Shadow Medicine and the Delgis of KendraMFrost.

In-Line comments: Anything but that torturous time devourer called Grammar. I'd much rather know that you enjoyed/were engaged by something, noticed something interesting, or were confused/bored by something.
Whether or not a semi-colon was appropriate on paragraph 24 of section 1 is, quite frankly, irrelevant at this point in my project. Please save your little red pen for others who will enjoy seeing it spill its blood over their pages.

Discussion for the group: For those who have been with us, now that the main cast is established, what do you foresee happening in their futures?
For those who are just coming in, what scene/event stuck out to you the most?

Deep thoughts to you, wayfarers.

Or squirrels. They make a tasty stew if you can get a few with a sling.

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