May 6 - 12

80 4 39

We've been through floods. We've been through battle. We've camped in the middle of the Worsted Wood, rescued villages, had dinner with dragons, collected a few new friends along the way, and braved a very scary looking tower that actually... wasn't so bad.

Now at the other end of the valley (with extra rations of tea, coffee, and brown vials full of something that smells dubiously like cotton candy) we come to the edge of a great ruin.

From treeline to treeline, spanning hundreds of acres, the land is full of moss covered stone. The remnants of pillars long fallen stand in homage to a once great civilization. Vines creep through dance halls. Trees have taken over sitting rooms. A cat slinks through the rubble looking for dinner among the forgotten laundry basins.

As we explore this long lost land, keep in mind these three things:

Danni (x_luminous_x  ) with the Taming the Wolf Prince asks...

Chapter 3: Can you at all emphasize with the struggle of the characters this early into the book?
Chapter 4: Emotionally, do the characters either under or over-react to the scenario?

In-Line: General comments are fine, but no grammar unless it's bright enough to guide you through Fangorn Forest.

Fiona (fiona_bauer  ) with Ekstasis, wishes to know...

Based on the first two chapters, what impressions do you get on the story as a whole? (Tone, Characters, Genre, etc.)
And Does the pacing work and does it keep your attention all the way through?

As far as in-line comments, anything goes but it's a rough draft so I'm more interested in general reactions to the plot & characters than grammar.

and Etelka (Etelkasan  ) with Tempest Kapalina, desires council on...

For those still catching up. Which character do you want to see more of?

For those who are completely caught up, sorry for not having new details out yet. But I do have maps up. Let me know what you think. Is there anything in the map you think is lacking that I need to add?

Remember to take your time, breathe deeply, and if it smells too good to be true, it probably is.

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