November 11 - 17 VOTM!!!

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The glow in the east has not faded, and another plume of flames goes up in the west, almost lost in the sunset. A second, smaller plume follows it, and then a great red beast can be seen with a smaller black shadow doing aerial acrobatics around it. The scaly red form is one we're all familiar with by now, but this is Cipher's first turn to be scooped up in huge claws and carted off for the dragon's dinner party, for Cipher is our Victim of the Month!

As we ruffle through The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, in-line comments are as usual. And when we get back to our meager dinner table (we can't possibly have as good a fare as Kendrick. He's got a professional chef in his hoard!) we have some questions to discuss over the wine.

Chapter 4 - Do you feel the various points of the chapter could be condensed or placed elsewhere?

Chapter 5 - Is there anything unclear regarding the bad guys in this chapter? Could the chapter be cut down anywhere?

Chapter 6 - Does this chapter drag at any point? If so, where can it be condensed? What are your impressions of Slade and Paver having met them eye to eye now? Is it clear they're the major villains for the story at this point? Would the chapter be better split in half?

Chapter 7 - Is the time skip jarring or does it work? Do you feel there needs to be further elaboration on how Paver has bullied Az for a long time? What about reasons for why Az is still on board?

As always we hope you're all having a good week!

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