February 1-7 Alternate Universe!

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The sleeping spell cast on Danni seems to be more powerful than any of us can dispel. Luckily, we were able to get a message back and they've picked up our dozing dahlia. Danni will return once they've brushed the sleep crusts off and recovered from their adventure in dream-world.

Rex has been abducted by spirits, but we know where he is and it sounds like one helluva party. So, until he gets tired we'll wait in the sheltering crag that is this great mountain pass. The tall, slender stones look inviting. Ann takes a seat first. One of the rocks tumbles from the side of the mound, revealing the jawbone of a human skull. 

The tall, thin stones and their neatly lined cairns sit at regular intervals all along the narrow ravine. As night falls, we soon learn why.

Outside the circles of our lanternlight, ice forms in seconds. The air hurts to breathe. We tried, truly, to make it to the end of the pass. Now we huddle in a circle, placing each of our lanterns between us to fend off the cold, for even our cloaks cannot fight this bitter chill for long. Lucky for us, Danni and Rex's sideways adventures have left us with two extras. One to hold on a pole above our heads, and one to sit in the center of our circle so that every side is bathed in glowing, warm light.

With these huddled positions, and the whistling wind bringing brief echoes of Rex's spirit party, we may as well trade stories while we wait for the sun. Everyone, look to your left, and to your right. These will be your feedback partners for this week's mission.

Ferret, with The Third Son, will get feedback from Frost on Chapter 2 and Cipher on Chapter 1.

Frost, with Discovering Clarity, will get feedback from Ferret and Ann on Chapters 3 and 4.

Ann, with Fragile Queendom, will get feedback from Frost on Chapters 2 and 3, and Cipher on Chapters 0 and 1.

And Cipher, with The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, will get feedback from Ann and Ferret on Chapters 8 and 9.

Rex, you're up next week for VOTM! (with Ferret on deck if the spirits won't give him back)

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