July 1-7

61 2 18

From farther back in the cave comes the sound of great wings, then silence. Etelkasan has vanished, escorted back to headquarters by a scale-winged wolf the size of a small car. How he got into the caves? Probably the same way we did. How he got out? Some mysteries are best left unsolved. For now, Etelkasan rests in the Candle Club Infirmary, recovering from excess life happenings.

Ahead of us a light flashes, its beam sweeping across the cavern floor. The glow worms move at the brilliant intruder, making their glistening fishing lines sparkle and shimmer for a moment before going still again.

The constellations are dark, but the majesty of that memory remains as our rescue party joins up to replenish our supplies. While we make a small camp here, please be on the lookout.

Ferret Ferret-bird ) requests that we keep an eye on the Meridian during our stay in the cave.

- I'd love thoughts on the worldbuilding, character development and pacing. Please avoid grammar edits.

Then return to our small magelight for these Questions:
The Shepherd - What do you think about the pacing so far? Do Dara and Nasrin make rational decisions based on the information that they have?
The Soldier - What are your impressions of Alder and the new setting? Are Alder's motives clear and believable?

FrostKendraMFrost ) strings their stories along like braided rope, so for Shadow Medicine and Magic Mist, here goes:

Shadow Medicine: ((Please let me know if you're still on this one or when you reach the end of published chapters))
In-line: Anything but Grammar.
Questions: Since everyone should be nearing the end of the published sections, where did this story really catch your interest? Why?

Magic Mist:
In-Line: Anything but grammar. I'm mostly looking for "keeper" moments, since I know I'll have to cut a lot of the beginning already. Some sections take far too long with nothing happening.
Questions: which details/scenes stand out favorably to you and why?

DracoNako and x_luminous_x you're both up for next week!

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