February 10th-16th

103 2 21

Welcome to our FIRST assignment! We look forward to all the wonderful worlds and characters we'll soon witness!

First up a WELCOME PARTY!!!! If you haven't already met them, then here are our crazy MODS.


Hi! Panwere here. I'm the crazy one that's writing four novels at once! On top of crafting, art, learning bookbinding, and woodworking. The motto is All The Things!!! Yes I am insane. No I do not recommend trying this at home.

I'm a character fanatic, coffee addict, and worldbuilding nut. I'm usually available to talk to, though sadly I'm stuck with the day job and require much sleeps. I will answer your messages within the day! Just... probably not within the minute.


'Ello, everyone. Fox demon at your service. I'm available to talk and discuss anything almost 24/7. Foxes don't sleep, right? I enjoy being creative. Writing and drawing are my two main hobbies next to GAMING!!! Yep, gamer foxy here. I love to world build and creating characters with tragic backgrounds. The darker the better, right? No... maybe that's just me. Let's burn this to the... I mean, let's get this party started!


Welcome to the club! We look forward to diving into new worlds with the both of you and growing as writers together.

RexEynon  Ferret-bird


Read two chapters of each title below and leave help comments while tagging  @CandleUnderground and #CUBC

Be respectful, our Kraken is hungry, but that doesn't mean we want to feed you to him.

Once you finish  with your chapters and comments, return here to answer a question specified by the author.

We recommend discussions! But we aren't going to force you... or will we? Nope you're good.

Time sensitive questions can be directed toward either active mod. All other topics please direct to the Candle account.

Now for our....


1. Etelkasan 's "Tempest Kapalina"

In-line comments-General. No grammar unless major.

Discussion Question-
          ~Does the prologue and first chapter draw you in enough to continue reading?

2. RexEynon 's "Xylex"

In-line comments- General, but please focus on the balance between description and action.

Discussion Question-
          ~Is there a good balance between description and action?

3. Ferret-bird 's "The Third Son"

In-line comments- Character, Plot, Pacing. No grammar unless it's a major issue.

Discussion Question-
          ~What are your first impressions of the main characters amd are their motives clear?
Do you think the framing device of the character writing in a journal makes the narrative more compelling?

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