June 17 - 23

44 2 18

The damp has sunk into clothing, dimmed the torches, and all but ruined a certain shapeshifter's manicured coat. Etelka has elected to stay at the beginning of the cavern in case a search party comes looking for us. And by that I mean life happenings are happening and Foxy's got an extension.

Now and again the air moves, like a great, chilled beast taking a breath in its sleep. Roethke might have seen a place like this, if he'd been into spelunking. But this is no Plato's cave, with a stable fire to shine shadows ahead of us. Our torches burn low, barely showing where it's safe to put our feet. Droplets echo louder than our shuffling footsteps.

At this point we've all touched the walls, finding them damp and slick with mucous-like cave slime. Wet tendrils hang from the cave ceiling, glittering in the dim torchlight. There seems no end to this passage.

While we're looking for some sign of an exit, also look for clues and signs in these stories:

Draco DracoNako ) With Those Who Emerge From Ashes

--For those reading 9+10
-does Maka's response to events prior make sense to you? Is her internal conflict realistic? What do you think of her and Dakota's interactions?
-has (chapter 10) changed your perception of Selene's feelings for Dakota? Why do you think she makes the choices/suggests the things she does in this chapter

--And those needing to read 7+8
-do you think Scholar Selene does a good job separating Dakota from the terrible events that unfolded in chapter 6? Why do you think she tries so hard to keep Dakota away from that side of the Scholars?
-what are your thoughts on Dakota's and Selene's relationship as it develops?

Fiona fiona_bauer ) with Ekstasis (who is currently making comments in good faith so I'll post a little early this week, too.)

--Anything goes for inline comments, and here are my discussion questions for the week:
--Chapter 5: Which aspects of the ritual stand out most to you? Do the tone and pacing of the chapter work?
--Chapter 6: What are your impressions of Alexei so far--does he make a compelling character?


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