March 15 - 21 Ferret

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We've moved on. The town is small, and the inn barely earns its name, but there is room for our small band in a room above the immaculately clean stables. Ferret has been released from Kendrick's company with leftovers to bring to all of us and a wagon of supplies. While we rejoice at this surprise and learn of the pair of oxen we need to tend to for the privilege, let us return to the beginning of the rotation and join Ferret, with The Third Son.

Ann, Rex, and Cipher, Chapter 5 - Is Malory's past brought up too soon, or does this seem like a reasonable development? Even with this reveal, is there enough mystery/suspense to keep the story compelling?

Cipher (as per a deal with our marmot) Chapter 6 - Does Malory's treatment of Roslind seem genuine? Does it make sense that Roslind would take risks, such as secretly communicating with Malory, to learn more about him?

And Frost, Chapter 7: This is a bit of an experimental chapter, so do you think it's working? Is it worth getting more insights into the worldbuilding even though it pauses the main narrative?
And Chapter 8: Is Roslind and Malory's relationship progressing naturally? Does Charlaine present a credible threat, especially now that Roslind is more comfortable moving away from religion?

As always, we hope this finds you well!

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