August 26 - September 1

39 1 0

Seven Months! Wow guys this is awesome! This club has been going for seven months. I'm debating on something to celebrate the Year mark. It'll probably involve more work for me XD but the password is Masochists for a reason.

Welcome back Rex! Xylex charged and Azarias is back in the rotation. In the reverse of the thing you should never say, How much better can this possibly get?!

During your stay among the cliffs, I'm sure you've seen one lone figure in blue running to-and-fro, powered by a constant stream of enthusiasm and caffeine. Who am I kidding, there are several. Though one wears green just to be a rebel. We're keeping things going with cartwheels and jump-ropes!

Now, without further gilding the lily, and with no more ado, I give you...

FerretInATrenchcoat-bird! ( Ferret-bird ) with Meridian. Always keep your mustela's fur well oiled, and the same goes for feathers!

For Meridian in-line comments, please keep the red grammar pen away! The syntax monkey off your back, and otherwise ignore those pesky copyediting urges of yours. We're not there yet! Ferret would appreciate feedback on the worldbuilding, character development, and overall pacing.

When we get back to Discordia for discussion, we have a bit of a scatter in our reading sections. Please take note of where you're at in the story and answer the questions accordingly.

The Shepherd (first half) - Do the characters have clear motives? Do the characters make reasonable decisions based on the information they have available?

The Shepherd (last half) - Can you follow this section of the story, even though the supernatural elements aren't well understood by the characters? Does this feel like a satisfying conclusion to the plot so far?

The Soldier, chapter 5 - Do Alder's relationships with other characters feel fully developed? Is the plot emotionally engaging?

Aaaand for those veterans!

The Soldier, chapter 6.1 - Does the elaboration on Alder's backstory answer previous questions in a satisfying way?

The Soldier, chapter 6.2 - Are the action scenes clear/easy to follow? Does this feel like a natural conclusion to the current conflict?

As the ferret flops from the hoops they had to jump through to get that, we'll shift gears because we're also looking at .....

The switchy Transmogrif Frost ( KendraMFrost ) with Magic Mist.

For in-line comments I also ask that you save the grammar pen and copyediting urges for other stories. A LOT is changing and those sentences will never remain the same. I'm mostly looking for Keeper Moments. Good points that stand out among the rest.

Whether they add character to the story, increase tension, or plop a good bit of worldbuilding in there, I'm butchering these paragraphs and I need to know what not to throw out with the offal. Also a sidenote: I know the plot pacing is slow. Bear with me.

For those in the long rendition of chapter one-point-a lot of sections (1.0 to 1.6, and 2.0) Role Reversal! Are there any questions you have for me? Any confusing bits of world that need explaining, motives that need polishing?

For 2.1 and 2.2-- Thoughts on Jay? On Larissa's reactions?

For 2.3 and 3.0-- I understand Larissa's motive has been a bit vague for some, but does their situation to sneak out seem plausible? And do you see a difference between the way Larissa acts around Jesse versus how she acts around Rowan?

Round and round the wheel we go!

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