August 19 - 25 VOTM

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The light wanes and adventurers trickle back into town for rest. And to visit the healers because lets face it some of us are not up to snuff when it comes to climbing around mountains and the Armsmaster. Is. Exhausting.

The room smells of herbs, menthol, and books. The breeze rustles between leaves in the windows. In the same vines hang enchanted crystals, fracturing moonlight into a thousand ghosts that dance over the room.

This week we have Ann ( annkreeves ) as Victim of the Month with The First Delicacy! Let the light swirl over your pages as we take a look at her fantastical fairy story before it gets devoured by our resident hungry dragon. 

As we read, let's keep an eye out for worldbuilding and general comments, though the red pen of grammar is not necessary.

And when we return to our quiet corner of the world...

-Does the world building continue to explain things well?

-Any points of confusion?

-Does it make sense who Cayenne is and how she came to Asylum?

-Is the story line keeping your interest, even though I weave back and forth between two points of view?

Ferret-bird you're up next week with Frost!

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