January 25 - February 1 Ann

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The path ahead narrows. We've lost sight of the cliff city's lights. Our cloaks steam as the lanterns both melt and evaporate the snow falling on our shoulders. Today's trek was a slow one, marked by switchback paths and slick, bare stone. And one strange ice creature with a powerful sleeping spell.

We're near the pass, though. A thin V between two peaks is lines with tall, thin stones. Behind us we drag a litter cobbled together from pine boughs. Danni lays upon it, unresponsive in sleep. Rex pulls them along, a little behind the group.

With our werewolf out of commission for the moment we'll be looking at Ann's new story, Fragile Queendom. The google doc link is pinned on her channel. As we work our way through the stones to find a campsite, we'll be looking for a few things.

Question 1. How do you feel about this story opening with letters? Do you feel I should just convert it to a prologue with the details from that and the backstory in chapter 1? 

Question 2. What impression do you get from Queen Edan? Does she make you want to keep reading?

Question 3. Any confusing elements?

We hope you are well. Don't forget to keep your lantern nearby and your cloaks wrapped to ward off the cold.

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