October 7 - 13

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Shapes waver in and out of view. At the edge of every light, the corner of every eye, something can be seen. Infrared wouldn't pick them up, not even as cold spots in the night air. It's already cold enough, our breathing creates frosted plumes, releasing any warmth that our bodies cannot keep hold of. It's a good thing winter hasn't set in yet.

The shapes seem friendly enough. Neutral, at least. They do not reach out like wraiths grasping at one last hope of life. They do not bare shark-like teeth, like the shadow you've no doubt met. You know the one. Its chittering growl raises the hairs at the nape of your neck, and its laugh is worse, but the locals tell you to leave it be.

No, these shapes merely wander back and forth, from fire to fire. You can see them better near dawn and dusk. That is when you might make out a face, a snout, the vague form of wings that rise in greeting to a new shape entering the warmth.

Echoes, they are called. The locals give them space, bundling in warm clothes so they won't have to take advantage of the lights on their way. Beyond that, life moves on, business as usual, inside the cliff city.


Welcome Cipher! This is your first feature, with The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea.

Our puzzling fish-friend says that In-line comments of all types are very welcome, but they are not interested in grammar issues at this point. We'll be reading the prologue and Chapter 1, and everyone's on the same page here! So with no further ado...

Prologue - How necessary or useful do you find this section? Having read chapter 1, would you have preferred to go in without the prologue?

Chapter 1 - Is there anything in this chapter that draws you in and makes you want to keep reading? First impressions of Az as a character?

Frost is on extension for a day or so due to life happenings and a visit from our old friend Murphy. Everyone else is all caught up. Looking forward to VOTM next week!

Candles Book ClubOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz