July 22 - 28 VOTM!

54 4 21

Posting a little early since I may not have time tomorrow.

Welcome all you ghastly ghouls and back to our regular programming. Break your 4th wall a bit and let's do some Deadpool Monster Mash! ... Oh wait... is it too early for spider webs, pumpkins, and neverending candy? Skeleton horses? Feasts? Let's face it, it's never too early for a feast.

And a feast is most certainly what awaits us as we reach a stone city carved into the living rock. There are places in the Mojave that resemble these engraving-studded halls, but they no longer thrum with the murmur of voices. Drums no longer echo in their chambers like the drums you hear now, tapping a lively beat punctuated by shouts and cheers. It sounds like a party. Wanna join?

Our Victim of the Month is Frost! ( KendraMFrost ) with Magic Mist. Huh... It's almost like we planned this, but I swear we didn't. With the rest of the group poofed and Danni on an extension, the VOTM deck had to be reshuffled. Please don't begrudge them a little time in the soaking pools.

As for your Notes in the Margins: Anything but grammar. And if you see any diamonds sparkling from all that charcoal, please note them so I don't throw them out with the travel scenes.

And conversation fodder over dessert! Other than the fact that it took FOREVER for anything to happen ((I'll be taking care of that, trust me. The edits are excruciating))

Sections 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3: You're in the looooong stretch, so please Bear with me.

--Your impressions of Liss and Row so far.

--Any conflicts you see developing (I'm just hoping there's something to keep at this point XD )

--What, specifically, do you think of Jay Smith?

and for 1.4, 5, 6, and 2.0 (wow those chapter headings are the first thing to go)

--Are the descriptions of the rivers of light confusing? Is it clear she's drawing power?

--What are your thoughts on the spirits Larissa sees? Do they seem cartoonish?

--Does Larissa's humor in the face of physical injury seem false, or is the fear/pain leaking through juuust enough to make it clear this is her coping mechanism?

As for next week, Ferret ( Ferret-bird ), you're up, aaaand since we've spent so much time on Frost this week, I'll be switching out with someone. Draco ( DracoNako ) you're next in the rotation, so if you could shoot me a message with yea or nay? Hop ahead or stay with your current position in the middle of the month?

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