April 6-12

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What are you here for?

It's a question we have to ask eventually. Is Sally Soulsmasher the Wyrmhunter here because she enjoys the thrill of the challenge? Because she lost a bet with a toothless alien and would rather be polishing her trophies? Or because her little brother just absolutely does not know how to take care of himself in a fight, but keeps trying anyway?

Your character's internal drive is like the shadow story, the electricity that makes the light bulbs go on, the undertow beneath seemingly calm waters. Invisible, but always pushing things along, the internal motivation lets us know. Whether it's Son Goku who just wants to fight and have a good time, or Boromir who wants, above honor, above ethics, to save his people even if it means he risks becoming the next Isildur by taking the ring from Frodo, motive drives decisions.

Think of Sakyo, the money behind the Toguro brothers on Yu Yu Hakusho. Someone so powerful and so intent on his own goals that he could have been the next boss fight instead of Shinobu Sensui. Except he was written to be so egocentric and enough of a coward that he decided to blow up his portal research at the end of the tournament and we kind of saw it coming. ((Or at least didn't argue too much when it happened. I'd have said spoiler alert, but the show aired in the 90's))

That undercurrent is the answer to the above question. What are you here for? Unseen, but always felt. Even if your motivation is just the next bowl of ramen.


Alright! Down to business.

We're in the middle of packing up the Worsted Wood Camp when we hear crashing through the undergrowth. Shadows begin to form at Frost's fingertips as Rex raises a blade humming with Xylex. Ferret crouches, fingertips to the ground. Nicole fidgets, wondering if her false bodyguard facade will be discovered.

Then Sabine and Danii's wolves scent the wind. One of them sneezes as Etelka strides into the camp with a slightly breathless newcomer.

Everyone, welcome DrakoNako, of scribes and secrets! 

Drako comes along with a much welcome missive from the higher ups. We'll be dropping down to two missions for a while instead of three at a time, and a scribe for extra eyes in the bargain!

Etelka and Rex have volunteered to stay behind and clean up camp, and we look to Ferret to lead this week's mission. Ferret bows and gestures to Draco, our newest member. So we're shaking up the rotation this week!

That being said, our missions this week are as follows:

Those Who Emerge from Ashes, by DracoNako

Discussion Question: What impression do you get, at first glance, of the Scholars of the Lost?

In-Line Comments: Anything goes, but please focus on Worldbuilding, especially in section 2.

and  Shadow Medicine, by KendraMFrost

Discussion Question: Do Jo and Derek's perspectives showcase the world (and our protagonist) well or do they seem superfluous?

In-Line comments: Anything but grammar of course!

Please let us know if you like the lessened workload or would rather go back to three missions a week!

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