March 22 - 28 Ann

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Ferret is a natural hand with out oxen Blunder and Bessie, and Frost has set up as a scribe for the village. Ann is handling diplomacy, Rex has weapons, and Cipher has supplies. Shipping, if you will. Why do we need more than the traveling gear we've had so far? Something is hunting on the outskirts of the village. It has large fangs, formidable claws, and a taste for the pigs these folk keep for truffle hunting.

Is it a monster? Is it a munster? The one letter makes a great deal of difference. While we're preparing to go look for this mysterious muncher, let's also take a look at...

Ann with Heart of Sparrow!
Chapter 3: I know Jiya's actions seem pretty over the top in this chapter, but do the overall actions in this scene make sense? Especially starting at the moment Sparrow and Jiya enter Falcon's lobby?
Chapter 4: A lot gets explained in this chapter—does it all seem to make sense? Any loopholes you feel that need to be covered?

We hope this finds you all well and have a hood week!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2021 ⏰

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