January 11 - 17 VOTM And We're Back!

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Snowstorms are heading our way. The locals report that the passes through the mountains will close soon, so we'd better leave this little sanctuary before the choice is gone. While we're packing, let's polish up the last bit of work left from last year so we can get a fresh start on the road!

Refresher, for any who need reminding, we have: 

Ferret of Forests and Leylines, who's switching things up with The Third Son.

Frost of the Secondseers, also switching to Discovering Clarity.

Danni of Wolves and Winter, with Taming the Werewolf Prince (Also our VOTM this week).

Ann of Sprites and Soaring, with The First Delicacy.

Rex of Xylex and Nalas, coming at us with Nalite Hunter: Azarias Drake.

And Cipher of Seas and Shanties, who is currently on hiatus until February.

The current list of order and chapters is up on Google Docs, the link posted in our Discord, and that's the Party Roster for now!

Diving straight in, we have Danni with Taming the Werewolf Prince, for our VOTM!

Rex and Ann: Chapter 9  does this scene add anything to Winter's and Tamer's relationship or characters?
Chapter 10 initial impressions of Apollo?
Chapter 11 This isn't a great chapter, I wasn't in a great place writing it and I haven't had much time to fix it, but I'm mostly just looking for advice on how to make this chapter more interesting and what could be cut out.
Chapter 12: current opinions on Tamer's character?

Ferret: if it's okay, I'd like you to do some rereads of edits for me. If you're cool doing it I'd like you to skim through chapter 17 again, I cut the word count down quite a bit and gave it a proper ending without cutting off, I mostly just want to know if it still needs trimming and if I removed too much emotional context. I really hope it's not as cringe. I'll just give you three to read to make up for the longer length.

Ferret and Frost: I want you to have a look at the edits of chapter 1 and 2. I'd like to look back at initial comments and see if anything has changed, if not what you would like to see change. The biggest change is Tamer but I can't figure out if it's clear there's an element of mind control and if his emotions are too over the top

Frost: Chapter 19 (nsfw) and 20 General comments on character and story.

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