June 3 - 9

76 3 44

We've been crossing the plains and speaking to farmers, and it seems like these rolling hills go on forever! Intrepid explorers, we've reached fields of wheat and corn, squash and beans, racing horses and pigs, sheep and cows, even the stray llama! Not a battle mare or armored rhino in sight. What keeps these plains so peaceful and undefended, you ask?

The question falls from Etelka's lips just before the entire party is swallowed by the very grasses they walk on and tossed into pitch black.


In this darkness, we contemplate...

Etelka Etelkasan ) with Tempest Kapalina: 

In-Lines: Worldbuilding, Character Development, Pacing, and likes or dislikes. No Grammar Please.

Discussion: Please take a look at chapters "Kapalina" and "Ripples" the author has re-wrote these chapters.

Do the changes make the story more compelling?

Ferret (  ) with Meridian:

In-Lines: Worldbuilding, Character Development, and Pacing. Please no Grammar.

Discussion: Earlier chapters - Are Dara and Nasrin's motives compelling? Does the insight into Dara's background help his character development?
Chapter 6 - Does the conclusion to "The Shepherd" feel satisfying? Are there parts of the chapter that were hard to follow or understand?
Latest chapters - Does the inclusion of "The Lady and the Gander" feel relevant to Dara's story in "The Shepherd"? What do you think of Alder, and is the switch to his POV too abrupt?

Fiona (  ) with Ekstasis:

In-Lines: I'm planning on doing a lot of restructuring of the first three chapters, so grammar and pacing are kind of moot points. Other comments welcome.

Discussion: -What are your impressions of the characters so far, particularly Sophie & Holly?
-Are the magical/supernatural elements apparent at this point?

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