January 18 - 24 Ferret and Frost

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Ice daggers cling to the trees as we head north to the mountain pass. Behind us rests the warm glowing lights of the cliff city. Ahead, an evergreen forest stretches far into the distance, climbing right to the snow-capped peaks.

Each of us has a copy of the map, should we get separated, and each of us carries a lantern with an ever-shining glass flame trapped in its middle. A welcome warmth to keep us through the night.

As the snow creaks under our boots, let us see what we can see in these new days of adventure.

We have Ferret in a fine fur coat this week, with The Third Son on google docs (link is up on Discord).

Our marvelous marmot asks that we ignore the questions at the bottom of the document itself and instead ponder these as we gather firewood for our nightly camp.

Chapter 1: Does it ever seem like Roslind is withholding information from the reader? Is the mystery compelling enough to make you read on (or not)?

For Frost, who will be reading Chapter 2: Are the character interactions interesting? Does Roslind have a distinct personality and voice?

It is wonderful to be back and should anyone need an extra blanket, Frost will be happy to help as they are quite content in a cloak of white fur. They happen to be our second mission for the week and will also be using google docs as their means of delivery.

For Discovering Clarity,

Chapter 1:  What do you feel about Enmori’s magic and how his situation could affect the rest of the story? First impressions of the three characters?

Chapter 2:  Would it be better for the story so far to switch to Andrew’s perspective as they’re coming up the stairs?

We hope you're having a wonderful week!

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